
Some Scenes From The Weekend... Where We Welcome Nine (Hesitantly)

Audrey sporting her birthday poncho and boots from her favorite store next to her fashion idol Christine...

I'll start with some minutiae first, in an attempt to ease into the melancholy induced by Audrey's 9th birthday, deal? (Because really, who wants to read two bummer-town posts in a row.) So in small news, I wore a belt this weekend...for the first time in at least five years. I am not a belt girl, generally speaking, so this felt big enough that I snapped a photo for posterity. So there's that.

There's also the fact that I found the solution to my inability to enjoy down time. Ready? Get sick. Which is exactly what I did on Saturday when I was hit with some sort of raging headache meets sad stomach combo. To combat said sickness, Millie and I cuddled in bed, took a three(!) hour nap, and then woke up and watched movies on the iPad (her) and read the entire September issue of Vogue (me).

Aside from the fact that I felt like living hell, it was really nice.

Ok... I've stalled long enough. time for the big guns. Audrey turned nine. Today. And while this in and of itself isn't reason for melancholy, the fact that somehow this turning nine kicked off a palpable change in her is. Truth be told, the change has probably been slowly happening right under my nose, but it was her birthday celebration of choice that drove it home. This time last year we were making dream catchers with a gaggle of her friends at a sweet and festive birthday celebration. This year Audrey wanted none of that "party business"... no themes, no fabric banners, no crafts or homemade cupcakes. Instead she wanted to invite three of her friends to join her for a sleepover at a hotel for, you know, "just a big girl celebration please".


Bryan and I took Audrey and her buddies out to dinner in Oak Cliff and then checked into the room. The girlies ate cake and ice cream, swam in the infinity pool overlooking downtown (very big girl) and then retired back to their room to "hang out". At one point in the evening, Bryan and I peeked in on them from our adjoining room (as staying in the same room was clearly out of the question) to find them sitting on the floor chatting, painting each other's nails, and listening to music.

I know it's cliche and whatnot, but friends it goes by so freakin fast. We have entered a new era... we're now officially on the cusp of "tweendom" and all its various codes and unwritten rules and changes and whatnot. I knew we'd get there, I just didn't think it would be so fast.

Double sigh.


nicole said...

double sigh. wait until your little one hits the tweens! it is an age of fierce independence, childish behavior and great adventure...and no day is like the next...we are in full tween swing. I remember in 6th grade asking my mom to take my bestie to a hotel with a waterslide for my birthday...one of my most memorable b-days...probably for your gal too.

Jane said...

First of all, Happy Birthday Audrey!! We love you here at Upper Pond!

and Jos, wish I was there to give you a hug. It's hard and sad to say it only gets harder. Today was Ryan's first day of High School!!! He had a great day as I'm sure Audrey did, but man, it's so hard on us. Hang in there!

katy said...

Oh Joslyn, I feel your pain. My 8.5 year old daughter started all that tween nonsense 6 months ago or so. We started last year with fairies, striped tights and magic - we ended with black stretch pants, T shirts, and pop music. To say that it happens fast is an understatement. The tangibles of this change are indeed hard to let go of, but the new self consciousness is really the tear jerker. Good luck to you!

Emma said...

All you can do is teach them to fly - which I'm sure you're doing! And hug them hard.

Desi McKinnon said...

I think it's good that you are present with your sadness that Audrey's getting older and transitioning from little girl to pre-tween. I'm sure you had the same apprehension when she went from baby to toddler. Time does fly.

With that said, I wish I had thought of a grownup party when I was 9. I would have loved that! How fun!

Heather Taylor said...

ahhh you're such a sweet mama. must be so complicated to watch them grow!

Kim said...

Oh man... we are right on your heels. Just one year behind you and - yes - it does bring out some melancholy to see it all flying by so quickly.

Albertina M. Cisneros said...

Wao! That is a toughie....you no longer have a little girl. I can see how time just flies by and all of a sudden you have a tween. I think each phase has amazing benefits and this is the part where you start getting closer as friends. This is very exciting even though we want them to stay young and keep them in our pockets. My daughter just turned five and I still ask her if I can carry her to her room when its time to go to bed. She is getting heavy and I know it won't last that much longer so I take these few seconds to kiss her, and cuddle with her and feel like she is still my little baby. So sweet. Now back to that birthday celebration! What a fab. party. I love that idea. Its so exciting to be 9.

Anonymous said...

I love the kids playing, the white poncho, and the self-pic in mirror!

Caitlin @ Sacramento Street said...

I cannot believe she's so grown up. When we visited last year she didn't seem like a nine year old wanting to do a hotel sleepover. At least you have mil for a few more years.

I've got to say Jos, you've done an amazing job raising both of your girlies. Just remember that after the teen years of wanting to be more independent they'll come running back to hang with their cool mom.

Hilary said...

So sorry to hear you were sick. Yuck! Here's hoping your next three hour nap doesn't involve nauseating illness!!

Megan Taylor said...

I know it's been a hard week but that pic of you is smokin'(just saying)! xo

melissa loves said...

Oh, I so hear you...my eldest turned 11 this summer and I seriously have to remind myself sometimes that she ISN'T 13. All the changes, physically, mentally...so independent ( but, still sits on my lap sometimes, thank god) , knows WAY more about stuff than I wish she did ( If you catch my drift) and...and....well, it is just hard. Right? The further away from being your baby that they get, the more a little piece of your heart breaks. But, then they are also magnificent, glowing, strong, powerful and have so much ahead of them. It is exciting. sigh....double sigh, indeed.

Nicole Crocker said...

love the twin ponchos! do you happen to know the source of the grown-up one?

Joslyn said...

I think she said her poncho was from H&M!