a few of the items on our "list": homemade grapefruit gumdrops, paint-dipped pine cones, paper snowflakes...
I am a planner to the core.
It's a blessing and a curse, as for all the times I've been perfectly prepared, there are an equal number of occasions when I've lamented my lack of inherent spontaneity. But it can't be helped (as a wildly successful female pop star once said); I was born this way. I've been tapping my inner girl scout since I was a kid.
I have gotten pretty adept over the years at tamping down my over-planning impulses in an effort to be perceived as more mellow (it's working I *think*), but all bets are off when I'm faced with even a modicum of stress or uncertainty (both of which have been floating around the Taylor household with unwelcome frequency of late).
Audrey is clearly a kindred, as last night, out of the blue, she announced that she wanted to make a comprehensive list of all the items she wanted to bake with me during the month of December. There are 19 items on the list. There are only 17 days left in the month... Wow. But I was so seduced by her planning that I decided to jump in and raise the stakes. After all, we have two full weeks of vacation from school and work to fill with festive goodness, why not go crazy and make a list of everything we want to do for the rest of the month??
The list ended up being a funny mishmash of items, and who knows if we'll actually do them all, but at least we have a plan.
You gotta have a plan.
Herewith a few things on our "December List"(just in case you were wondering):
make a gingerbread house/watch Little Women/make paint-dipped pine cones/bake something new every day (Audrey is focused on baked goods; I'd like to tackle toffee and grapefruit gumdrops)/watch It's a Wonderful Life/make a snowflake garland/go to the museums in Ft. Worth/drive around and look at Christmas lights/make flower crowns for Millie's birthday party/clean out the game closet (me)/play games for an entire day (audrey)/make fireplace s'mores/go to the movies
So...what's on your December list?
Oh, you gotta have a list! I started out this holiday season without one and quickly felt frazzled and unfocused. When there's a lot going on, there's nothing like a list to bring focus on the important things. I made mine, and as a result our crafting is done, Charlie Brown and Rudolph were watched, the paper snowflakes are making our dining room festive, and my son's birthday party went off without a hitch. Still lots of time left to continue working through the rest. Yours is great - have fun working through it!
A very fun list.
ohh the grapefruit gumdrops look delicious
This list sounds like so much more fun than my list! Perhaps I will revise...
I love your list. I'm just hoping to get a little time in the kitchen + some downtime reading and drinking Christmas tea. I totally simplified the list this year, after I was forced to last year!
Lists are just calming. I plan the heck out of things...and nothing ever goes according to my plan, so I will make new plans and lists throughout the day. Whew. Love your list with the girlie. Adorable. xo
Ohh wow you're making me feel so behind! I too ADORE lists. I have the perfect mousepad that is basically a mouspad sized line post it (with adorable owls on it). I'm ashamed to admit it has sat empty for too long. But you've inspired me! December staycation to do list here I come.
- Tan
What a fantastic list. I love it. And it doesn't sound overwhelming, it sounds like some lovely times with your sweet family. I can relate to your newfound comfort with keeping things simpler, I can't believe how much happier I am trying to do less instead of more.
Have you taken the girlies to see the Christmas lights at 714 Newell St. in East Dallas? Fun, fun, fun times. http://www.flickr.com/photos/pattipics/sets/72157625662523894/
OMG I LOVE LITTLE WOMEN!! It's officially on my December list now.
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