Speaking of the first week, as successful as it was, I'm glad we're finally onto week two. We seem to have (finally) gotten into a bit of a groove and have a (somewhat) consistent morning and evening routine. Everyone seems to be more "in sorts" this week. So hooray for that.
Audrey also had her first ballet lesson on Saturday morning with her besty, best, best friend Emma. They're at different schools now, and not wanting them to lose touch, Emma's mom and I signed them up for a Saturday morning ballet class. They were so happy to see each other...sweet girls!
Hope your weekend was stellar! Happy Monday.
Lovely pictures! Your posts always make me smile - thank you for that!
There are fewer things cuter than wee ballerinas :)
Oh ballet. So sweet. How I look forward to this with my own daughter. Lovely photos.
Beautiful ballerina pictures! Looks like a lovely studio. My daughter takes Saturday morning ballet class too.
Such lovely ballerina photos!
How cool are you? Very awesome to sign the bestie friends up for a ballet class together!
Happy week!
love the ballet pics. could eat my girls on a spoon in their tights and slippers.
I want a girl...these photos melt me...xo t
How cute are they in their little ballet outfits!! SO sweet.
Absolutely precious.
awww yes my little miss started ballet classes with her little best friend Ivy today! its so sweet, all those little girls running around in their skirts!!! I just found out she'll be in their end of year performance which is just too cute for words!
I started with creative movement when I was 3. I still try to take a ballet class once or twice a week 19 years later. Dance fills me with such joy and seeing children having that opportunity makes me enormously happy. I hope your daughter and her friend have lots of fun with it.
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