
Blogger's Favorites (Sort Of) -- Audrey...

So true she's not actually a blogger, but it's her week, so I'm breaking the rules a bit. Audrey and I have been discussing this post all week...let's just say she had a hard time narrowing it down, but after much pondering, she came up with her absolute favorite things.

Herewith Audrey's list. Enjoy and have a great week-end!

The Beach -- I'm not sure sure she loves the "beach" so much as she loves our annual beach trip. Inevitably after an hour or so playing in the surf, she complains of sand in her bathing suit, and we have to head up to the bookstore, the pool or set out on a bike ride. But this is her list and she said "the beach", so the beach it is...

The girls donning their lovely Handmade Charlotte frocks

Her Sister -- Despite all the bickering, taunting and general big sisterly behavior toward Millie, Audrey still declares her one of her all time favorite "things". Sweet...

image via art.com

The Beatles-- She LOVES The Beatles-- words can't describe. We have to listen to them non-stop. She's a fan of the Sgt. Pepper era more than the early stuff (thank goodness). For the record, her favorite Beatle is Paul and her favorite song is Hey Bulldog (she insisted I include this.)

image (+ actual cake!) via one of my favorite. bloggers. ever. the lovely Rachel

Chocolate Cake
-- Those of you who happen to know Audrey in real life are probably wondering why this isn't at the very top of the list... The child is nuts for chocolate in general but chocolate cake is her nirvana.

Making Art -- Audrey draws, paints, colors... non-stop. She wants to be an artist when she grows up, and she takes this stuff v. seriously!

gorgeous dress-up duds via wovenplay

Playing Dress-Up -- Besides making art, this is her absolute #1 favorite way to spend time. Right after school, she and Millie head to the dress-up box and dive in. Anything remotely fairy or princess like is (of course) a fave...


Liz said...

Oh my gosh, she loves the Beatles?! That is so precious!!

Polly Rowan said...

That is a gorgeous list. I agree on the chocolate part! x

Team Botanical said...

I loved this post. Nice job, Audrey!

mrs boo radley said...

What great taste she has!

Christine Vi said...

The photo of Audrey and her sister is very touching. There's a beautiful sisterly bond and love between them shown in the tender kiss she's giving her sister. So cute!

Have a good weekend!

frenchie said...

tell she did a great job with this post! have a lovely weekend.xxx

Amanda Nicole said...

Aw, I love Audrey's list! What a wonderful little gal :)

Our Green Nest said...

So cute! I love Audrey's list!

Kristin said...

She's a doll. ;)

Rachel said...

She's got a great list! I miss playing dress up, actually. My little sister and I had the best dress up collection in town, back in the day.

kim said...

What a really fun list, way to go Audrey. My sister and I also loved dress up and had some great classics in there - hand-sewn prom dresses that were our mother's from the sixties, my grantmother's hat collection (think Jackie O), gold heels and my aunt's wedding dress! We wore them until they literally were in pieces

mb said...

Thanks to you Audrey for a great blogging week of seeing the world through your very creative eyes.
Have a wonderful weekend with your sweet sister Millie and your mom and dad.

jack, lucy, finn, dot, martha, and rocky said...

this is such a sweet post... i love it.

Jen Beaudet said...

I love this post! It has touched my heart. It's amazing how favorite things don't really change at all, even when your all grown up:)

Sarah Bradley said...

I love this. Your daughter has great style!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

I know it doesn't need to be said because you already know this, but you are raising one very cool little girl!

Love Audrey's list of favorites!

Jessica said...

I love that she loves The Beatles. I fell in love with them as a kid too. And kudos to her excellent taste and knowledge- Hey Bulldog is an excellent lesser known song!

Maria | Vintage Simple said...

She's awesome...but of course you knew that! Have a great weekend!

Alice Q. Foodie said...

The Beatles, chocolate cake and playing dress up? Sounds like we could be friends. ;-)

karey m. said...

love her list...that thing has such an old-school fairy vibe, doesn't she?

but i lovelovelove - despite what i assume the crabbing sounds like with my girlies three - that m. made her list. {i think she's way better than chocolate cake, even!}

well done, you two...loved this week of a.

Rita Finn said...

A very sophisticated list from a very sophisticated young lady!

thea said...

oh the dress ups are sooo cute!!



orange sugar home said...

one of my very favorite posts in a long time! how clever and so very interesting to hear what this sweet gal likes so much!

simplesong said...

seriously, how cute is she! great picks ms. audrey!

Callie Grayson said...

awesome list Audrey!!!
hope she comes back soon:)

inkWELL Press said...

Love love love this list Joslyn!

Heather Taylor said...

cutest list ever

Anonymous said...

wow i wish i had that good of music taste when i was that little!

and she is adorable...i think she will grow into one gorgeous girl:)

east side bride said...

Sgt Pepper was my favorite album when I was ten!

east side bride said...

No eight, I was eight. Still, Audrey is ahead of me ;)