You get two spending hiatus updates in one week... Hope you don't mind!
I was 100% diligent this week up until Saturday when, while at Target (of course it’s Target) picking up a few groceries for dinner, I bought a little beach cover-up. This time of year things inevitably start getting "spendy", as our annual beach trip is just around the corner, and with the beach trip comes the burning desire for new bathing suits, sundresses, sandals, sunglasses... In fact, we leave for the beach on the final day of the spending hiatus, April 10th, and the timing is no accident -- I knew if I ended the hiatus earlier, there would be well, trouble.
I'm trying friends, I really am... but I caved for that cover-up, and I'm allowing myself to purchase one black swim suit (my current one is seven years old and looks it) and one pair of flip flops and stopping there. I'm not sure I can call those items "essential", but my strategy is to allow for a few basic things in order to avoid a total beach binge.
Now for the looking forward part…Since we've got just over two weeks before spending can commence (can you believe it?), I'm thinking a lot about "re-entry.” I have several planned tactics, like waiting 24 hours before buying something or forcing myself to donate/giveaway an item for every new purchase, but by far the most effective plan for me is just to stay. out. of. stores. If I'm not tempted, I can't succumb to temptation, right?
To that end, I'm making sure we have lots of activity options at the ready, so we don't fall back into the old pink cookie, Northpark mall routine. While at ArtScape yesterday, we went ahead and got a membership to the Arboretum, and we're planning on adding Sunday afternoon picnics on the Arboretum lawn into our repertoire along with our Nasher trips, cooking...and now sewing (more on that later!)
So how are you all doing? Are you starting to think about life post-hiatus? Any strategies to share?
I was 100% diligent this week up until Saturday when, while at Target (of course it’s Target) picking up a few groceries for dinner, I bought a little beach cover-up. This time of year things inevitably start getting "spendy", as our annual beach trip is just around the corner, and with the beach trip comes the burning desire for new bathing suits, sundresses, sandals, sunglasses... In fact, we leave for the beach on the final day of the spending hiatus, April 10th, and the timing is no accident -- I knew if I ended the hiatus earlier, there would be well, trouble.
I'm trying friends, I really am... but I caved for that cover-up, and I'm allowing myself to purchase one black swim suit (my current one is seven years old and looks it) and one pair of flip flops and stopping there. I'm not sure I can call those items "essential", but my strategy is to allow for a few basic things in order to avoid a total beach binge.
Now for the looking forward part…Since we've got just over two weeks before spending can commence (can you believe it?), I'm thinking a lot about "re-entry.” I have several planned tactics, like waiting 24 hours before buying something or forcing myself to donate/giveaway an item for every new purchase, but by far the most effective plan for me is just to stay. out. of. stores. If I'm not tempted, I can't succumb to temptation, right?
To that end, I'm making sure we have lots of activity options at the ready, so we don't fall back into the old pink cookie, Northpark mall routine. While at ArtScape yesterday, we went ahead and got a membership to the Arboretum, and we're planning on adding Sunday afternoon picnics on the Arboretum lawn into our repertoire along with our Nasher trips, cooking...and now sewing (more on that later!)
So how are you all doing? Are you starting to think about life post-hiatus? Any strategies to share?
Well, I too made a trip into Target, but was (somewhat) saved because my parents had given me a gift of some cash, so I was able to spend without spending, if that makes any sense? I figure gifts are okay to spend.
However, I found myself in a fitting room with an armfull of clothes, and ended up only buying a camisole and a top that had had it's price slashed. I found myself looking at things more carefully, and saying "this is too much money for this little thing." So I'm pretty impressed with how this spending hiatus has already changed my thought processes.
I'm thinking that it's going to stay in place, even after the end date. Right now my only strategy is to not go and spend everything that I "would have" over the last few months in one big binge.
I think what I'm going to take away from this exercise is just being more aware of how I spend & what I buy. Yeah maybe you don't really really need a new swimsuit, but you're thinking about it instead of impulsively buying without any thought.
Out of necessity (currently unemployed!) the spending hiatus will probably continue past April 10, but I'm kind of getting used to it...
I think that the 24 hour rule is a good one & a friend of mine leaves her wallet in the car when going to someplace dangerous like Anthro - that way she can look but if she wants to buy something she has to make the conscious decision to go out to the car & get the $$. Sometimes those 5 minutes spent thinking about a potential purchase can make a big difference!
I will be trying to pick it up and actually being GOOD april 10th- how bout that?!
I love your weekend photos :)
I am a week behind you all on the hiatus so I've got three to go. This week I slipped up and got a lipgloss and nail polish that were calling my name. Not only did I feel guilty, but it turned out I didn't like either of them once I got home. Wish I could return them.
I also found some lamps on craigslist that are both perfect and cheap. And I'm thinking of buying them, if only because they may not be there in three weeks and I have been looking for these lamps for months.
And I've got a little post-hiatus shopping list going on at the blog too. But I want to plan my purchases out a little better to avoid "bingeing"- even if that means leaving the store for a day and coming back. Purchases always seem more necessary in the store, I'm learning.
~Amanda @ OneHappyPanda
I really applaud you for doing this. Although I didn't partake, it definitely has given me something to think about. I like how you mentioned the idea for everything new you buy you donate something. In fact, in college I had a professor who said that for every new piece of clothing she bought she took one off a hanger to donate. She insisted she hadn't bought hangers for 10 years. I think it's a really great idea!
Oh my.
I'm extending my hiatus because I think I need some more time to get to grips with happily not spending money willy-nilly. Considered meaningful consumerism is what I'm aiming for and when I feel like I'm getting there... Then it can end.
Thanks so much for starting this though!
These photos are absolutely beautiful! I bet the picking of the flowers was hard to curb( I know my little one would have been all over it!) :) You have inspired me with all of your adventures during the spending hiatus my dear!
i've been quietly participating in my own spending hiatus since the start of lent. in the mean time i am making a list of things i "need" then, when easter rolls around i can check the list again and see if my items have staying power or are just a passing fancy...
as i am brand new to blogging, just wanted to say how much i heart your blog. it was one of the first i've ever read. needless to say, i'm hooked. thank you!
Joslyn--It sounds like you're doing great! Since your hiatus is coming to an end, I thought I might share with you my blog, PlinkPlink: Moms Talking about Money.
It's where I share my smart spending and savings tips, and I welcome other moms to join me in sharing their suggestions in being "money-savvy." Maybe it will help you?
Good luck with your last two weeks! :)
while your spending hiatus is ending, i think mine needs to begin. i noticed that whenever i get any money, i spend it on things i don't need and get mad at myself when all the money's gone and i'm broke once again. i still have a chunk of my tax refund, so i'm going to stop spending while i'm ahead! :)
thanks for the inspiration!
I've been thinking about it vaguely, but I don't have any real strategies nailed down yet. I think waiting 24 hours would probably be a very good one to adopt!
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