For a variety of obvious reasons, I'm a big advocate of siblings sharing a room at some point in their childhood -- even if space isn't an issue. To that end, Bryan and I have a plan (read: scheme) that involves converting Millie's room into a shared "sleeping space" for the girls in the next year or so and morphing Audrey's into their joint playroom.
I'm already talking up the idea to Audrey to get her sufficiently primed, and so far she's pretty jazzed about the concept. (Although I'm not sure she'll feel the same way a year from now, thus the long prep period.)
But honestly, I think it's the ultimate kid fantasy to have some sort of groovy sleeping space where you can cozy-in together, staying up late telling stories and secrets and, you know, just be sisters...
I so love this philosophy and will implement it if I ever end up having two kiddies of the same sex.
Our friends and their 2 daughters (5 and 8) just moved into a new, larger house and the girls had their chance to finally each get their own room, but they refused. To quote Annie, the younger of the two: "She keeps me company!"
oh i love that mary...sweet annie!
I LOVE that room!!!! Every single thing about it. If we have a fourth, which I think we will, Lily and Aida will be little bunkmates and I lay awake at night thinking about how cute their room will be. (did you ever see the movie version of "Madeline"? It's worth it just to see the perfect dorm room where all twelve girls sleep - with these gorgeous metal cots and shelves for their precious little things...)
i'm in the midst of this now...i agree with lynne about the madeline dorm...but i'm also gravitating toward joslyn's concept of a lush plush room overflowing with beds.
madeline is audrey's current favorite movie...yes, the dorm is adorable. that would be a fun set-up.
what if you did some sort of hybrid?? A little row of beds surrounded by all sorts of plush goodness...like a super cozy dorm?
I'm with you on siblings sharing a room...even if space isn't an issue. Once I have two kids, of the same sex, above the age of 5, it's all about sharing! This picture/layout is so innovative. I'm going to save it!
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