"My secret for long life is simplicity, work and enjoyment."
This video by Julia Warr might be one of the loveliest things I've come across in a long time... (Spotted on my friend Jane's pinterest.)
"Shot in Fire Island, New York, this film captures the secrets of eternal youth as Maia Helles, a Russian ballet dancer turns 95 but still remains resolutely independent, healthy and as fit as a forty year old. Made by Julia Warr, artist and film maker met Maia on a plane 4 years ago and became utterly convinced by the benefits of her daily exercise routine, which Maia perfected, together with her Mother, over 60 years ago, long before exercise classes were ever invented."
Good night! She's a helluva lot more limber than I am! What a lovely find and share, Joslyn. A wonderful way to start my Wednesday and I thank you for it. ::)
That is so fantastic. My 88-year-old grandmother and her last living sibling, her 95-year-old sister, have a similar exercise regimine. My Gma says exercise, fresh air and speaking your mind keep you young.
Love. Thank you for sharing. I will carry this with me today.
Thank you. So very lovely.
My grandmother remained active until she passed away at 99.
Movement, fresh air, and a strong will to live and enjoy life are essential to a fulfilled and beautiful life.
Thank you for sharing this.
:) Ewa
I knew you would like this. See you soon!
jane -- i'm counting the days!
This video was so moving and inspiring. Thank you for sharing- what a treat today~
Wow. This is so incredible. It really makes me believe that if I do just that bit of yoga and stretching every day, that my back problems won't hinder me as much as I imagine they will when I reach an older age.
So inspiring. Thank you!
What an inspiring woman! Oh to be like that in your nineties. I think having a dog is a great way to get daily doses of fresh air and exercise every day whatever the weather!
this has to be one of my favorite posts. so inspirational. thanks, joslyn!
This was so inspiring and just really lovely. As a pilates instructor, it really, really touches me to see how much mind-body exercises can affect people for so long throughout their lives. Go Maia!
truly simply lovely
So sweet, I absolutely loved this. Thanks so much for finding and sharing!
this. this right here...one woman's three words of wisdom is what it is all about. beautiful in every way.
Wow puts life into perspective. Healthy in mind body and spirit. Simply gorgeous video
BEAUTIFUL video! The light, the breeze, all of it. I found it very calming and inspiring.
Well how wonderful, she is a beautiful lady and what great stomach mussels, some 30 year old's couldn't do that!!
It was so lovely to watch thanks so much for putting this together I hope we get to see her when she is celebrating her 100th :)) x
What a beautiful gift -thank you so much for sharing.
I'm inspired by the everyday celebration of life and the true appreciation of the simple beauty in all things.
Happy weekend, I'm off to spend time in my garden.
Felicity x
wow! incredible!
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