Yesterday was my last day at my old job.
I don't start my new job until Monday, so for the next few days I am officially "in between", and it feels at once exhilarating and strange, as I haven't perched on the precipice of something really big in a long time (if ever). I play it safe. It's my M.O. -- my response to an adventure, uncertainty filled childhood.
So embarking on this new career is big for me, and honestly (and not to be boastful in any way), I feel proud. It's one thing to tell your kids to dream big and take risks and follow their bliss. It's one thing to nod in vehement agreement when you watch that video (for the umpteenth time) of Steve Jobs giving the commencement address at Stanford. It's one thing to pin a bunch of lovely motivational notions to your "wise words" board (yes, I have one, don't laugh). But to just jump and (as my husband says) "trust your cape" is, for me, an entirely different beast.
I do feel like I need to pause for a minute in gratitude for what my old job gave me over the past 13 years. I grew personally and professionally, I travelled, I learned, I gained confidence, I gained confidants, I felt secure... I may not have been "following my bliss", but I worked alongside some of the most lovely, smart, kind people who were there for me unconditionally. Some of them were at my wedding, some of them were at the hospital when the girls were born.... They saw me cry and listened to me swear (a lot). And I am truly thankful for what that phase of my career afforded me. I have zero regrets.
But I am ready for the next phase... Here goes.
Very inspiring. I hope I gain the confidence one day to leave my comfort zone.
envy is useful when it inspires. thank you. and good luck on your next big thing! xo
Such a great lesson for you girlies. My mom went back to school when my sister started college. She graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering. I can not tell you what a gift that was to me. As I grow older I know I can change course and go for it no matter what a challenge it might seem like in the moment.
You're supporting what I already know to be true. Thanks for sharing.
super excited for you. I have 'first days' and new jobs on my mind. my husband started a new job today and as his trusty wife I have been waiting by the phone hoping he can call with an update. Change is good. It is so much fun to get snippets of your journey.
This post really spoke to me. Your fears are relatable and your courage is inspiring. I hope you continue to share your journey here... You've got a huge fan in Boston!
I just started following your blog recently (and I'm going to blog about this post right after this). Can you please share more about trusting your cape? I want so badly to go off and pursue my dreams, but I'm the main breadwinner right now and I'm an incredibly practical person. My heart aches to take that leap. Is it only really possible for those who have a big savings and/or a spouse who can provide the bulk of the income? Or only for people who don't have kids? Are the rest of us just stuck? I know the answer has got to be "no" to all of these questions, but I can't figure it out in my practical head. Your insight?
Congratulations, Joslyn! You should be proud. Change is big. Wise husband, that one.
To be honest, I probably have no idea how big a jump this is for you. I'm not even a 100% sure what you did before. But it sounds very exciting and your posts inspire me...all the way over from England. x
So exciting, Joslyn!
Congrats doesn't quite seem like enough, here. But I'm very happy for you. Especially the part about taking some time to just be (and be proud) because that is not always easy to do. I moved 19 times through childhood so I can relate to not wanted to take risks as an adult. But those risks (no matter how calculated) tend to offer the largest reward, right? Enjoy this time.
awesome joslyn!! yes to trusting in your cape. yes to fully inhabiting your skin to get to this place. yes to a beautiful future created by saying no to fear one thought at a time!
kind of freaking out for you! what an absolute dream! your a total inspiration, as always and D magazine is so lucky to have you!
Somehow I missed your announcement before. Congrats, Joslyn, you are so awesome and such an inspiration!
I love this post, you are amazing! I love how you speak about following your dreams AND about how nice it can be to have a secure job, and how you should be grateful for it. Congratulations!!
I love your blog-- I just so appreciate the thought, effort and style that you put into it. I'm a long time reader but today's the day I absolutely had to say "thanks"! Good luck on your new next adventure!
Go get 'em girl!!
I am so excited for you hunnie....I already know you are going to be stellar. I love your hubby's expression. Perhaps I need to "trust my cape" as well....enjoy your respite.
Congrats on the new adventure and best of luck, Joslyn! I have no doubt that your new career will be fantastic.
Best of luck in your new career, am looking forward to hearing all about it, whatever it is. Good on you for forging out onto a new path.
Many congratulations on your new beginnings. It must be scary and exhilarating at the same time, and it's so wonderful to hear about other people taking this step, especially when one is thinking about doing it themselves, as I'm sure many of your readers are.
Best of luck!
So very proud of you dear Joselyn. Really I am. That speech was so moving and inspiring and it puts a smile on my face knowing you DID something about it. Change can be scarry but so exciting. Congratulations friend. No doubt what-so-ever that your future is bright, bright, bright! xo
Martha H
congrats on your new job! So excited for you!
Yes, we were awesome coworkers, weren't we? And you did swear a lot. ;-) Good luck with everything, Jos.
Lovely, smart and kind? Yes, we are and humble, too. There for you unconditionally? Absolutely -- always will be. We've all tried to pitch in with the swearing, but honestly we're just not up to your standards yet. Miss you!
Very exciting...and your new gig sounds uber cool. Enjoy!!!
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