Bold Act #1- At some point during Alt (which I leave for in a couple of hours), I will be wearing the above dress and shoes... Together.
Yes, I realize for some this is not bold in the least. I know that some consider leopard "a neutral" and wear it with with abandon -- with prints, with stripes, with prints and stripes.
I am not one of these people.
For me, leopard is a print, and (again, for me) prints are best teamed-up with with neutrals. So pairing the leopard shoes with a red and black print dress adorned with silver studs (the dress alone is waaay out of my wheelhouse) is a bold move on my part. Big time.

Bold Act #2 -- I resigned from my job of 13 years and accepted a position as an editor at D Home magazine (my dream job). So there's that too. Bold-o-rama!
I'll give you guys more details after Alt. Stay tuned...
OMG...Exciting days ahead for sure! So excited for you! And see you in a bit! Safe travels!
Oh wow! Congrats Joslyn! I bet you'll never look back.
Good for you! Congratulations!
Re: No. 1... You go, girl. Rock it!
Re: No. 2... WHAT?! SUPREMELY jealous over here. As a former journo-turned-medical device PR-gal, I often find myself wanting to go back to "the other side." Someday, maybe. In the meantime, I am VERY happy for you. What an asset you will be to a fantastic pub.
Wow - congrats on the new job!
yoohooo! i admire your boldness! you go girl!! i can't wait to hear more about your new job in the weeks to come. you are an inspiration. congratulations!
thank you for BEING bold (& not wearing all black)... & with so much to celebrate (dream job*!) it suits YOU well~~
Wow-wee! That's so amazing, Joslyn! You are going to be a great magazine editor! And that outfit rocks, though I would never be bold enough to wear it ;)
Where is that dress from? OB-SESSED!
Congratulations!! Go for it! Safe and sure is waaayyy too boring.
WOOHOOO! Congrats!! Can we say inspiring??
Congrats. Very exciting! Have a wonderful time in my home state.
So exciting! Congrats!!
Congrats on the new job! So exciting!
BIG happenins! Congratulations on the outfit AND the job. Can't wait to see what D Home brings.
First of all, I LOVE it! Can't wait to see it in person! And secondly, CONGRATS! That is just plain AWESOME hun!
From one magazine editor to another...HOLLA! I'm so excited for you. I'll have to start following D Home. I grew up in the DFW area but since I moved, I haven't kept up with the scene. But I will now!
AHAHA!! Congrats to the muthafreak'n max! Yeah! Yeah! Jumping up and down!!! Sloping my drink all over the place (it is like 2:30 here right now, so it is a metaphorical drink)!! Girl, you are gonna rock the hell out of that outfit. Joslyn power!
congratulations!!! so exciting.
and you will rock the outfit.
Congratulations!!! I'm so excited to hear more!
that is amazing! GO lady!
Have the best time at Alt!... I am so bummed to miss this year.
WOW, what amazing news!!! SO happy for you and can't wait to see all you're going to do!!!!
wow, Joslyn! amazing! Congrats on the job, you will be fabulous!! high five, lady!
Ack!! That's awesome. What a perfect job for you! So happy to hear this. Will miss seeing you at Alt this year. Have a great time.
That's great, congratulations!
That's big exciting job news. Congratulations!
holy cow! congratulations.
the combo you're taking on the trip would be bold for me as well. the shoes...get down, joslyn!
relaxing with my beverage and getting caught up on your lovely blog.
best to you.
Congratulations! Hooray for dream jobs coming true!
Dream job - so exciting. Well deserved!
so great. made a few bold move myself this week. feels so good, eh?
Congrats on the job and on boldly moving out of your comfort zone. Best of luck at both.
I was going to tell you I too feel animal prints should be teamed with neutrals but then you mentioned a minor detail like leaving your job of 13 years?! Wow! That's what I call following one's dreams! You're an inspiration. Congratulations and looking forward to more details!
Wow, that's amazing news. It will be wonderful. Well done for your boldness it suits you. And big congratulations on your new job.
Joslyn! That was my new years dress!!! xoxo
Congrats on being bold! 2012 is going to kick some ass.
That is so great. Congratulations. Here's to your dream job.
Congrats on the new job. I've been reading your blog for years and could only imagine you in such a job - even though we haven't met I know you were meant for it.
Congrats!! I'm so excited for you!
Congratulations on the new job! You must be floating on air!
Wow many congratulations
Congrats!!! And LOVE the dress with the shoes. :)
1) the dress and shoes combo is awesome
2) congrats on the awesome new job!
Both are incredibly inspiring : )
Love the dress, which as my sis mentioned was her new years dress. Super hot with the shoes. Re. the job - mega congrats! Sometimes all we need is a small shift to get the ball rolling. So happy for you.
congratulations on your new job!:)
AHHHHHH!! Amazing, Joslyn. (And well deserved!)
So exciting!!!!! Congratulations on your new life adventure, lady. You will so rock it!
congratulations on such an exciting change! it's very inspiring...excited to see what comes of it.
Congrats to you. Like some other commenters, we've never met but I'm sure you will be fantastic in your new role. I'm envious in a very happy for you way! I hope we all find our niche somewhere!!
Late to the game, but very happy for you. I say that is both brave and inspiring:-)
Congrats sister! I am so proud of you. I would not expect anything else from you but your BOLD moves. You inspire me. Love you.
New job?! So exciting! Congratulations.
wow! congratulations! that sounds like an amazing opportunity. I am trying to incorporate more bold acts into my life in 2012. it's hard! my friends don't "think" like I do and they tend to make fun of anything different or bold. but I'm going to rock my navy and green striped shirt and be bold. why not? it's nothing compared to resigning and starting a new chapter in your life.
Wow Joslyn - congratulations on your career change. So happy for you! Love the dress too! Cheers and hope you had a blast at Alt!! xoxox
Wow. Congrats! And totally loving your new boldness. xo Tracey
Joslyn! What?! I didn't read this before I left. I would have congratulated you when I saw you! Congrats! So proud of you!
And you worked it Mama! Was, per usual rocked by your style and grace. And left coveting your dress, stripes and orange nails. I think a shopping trip in Dallas is a must, stat. Really more time with you is a must - whatever we actually do. xo
Joslyn ~
Congratulations! D knew what greatness they would add to the team when they came to you! So thrilled to see you making a dream a reality.
You are definitely a rock star...seriously.
Loved seeing you at ALT.
And I'll email this week for a necklace or better yet, I'm more than happy to let you choose one for me and I'll send greenbacks. ;)
It was so great to see you again at ALT! I really enjoyed talking with you! Congrats on your new job!! You will be successful at whatever you do! xo
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