For any number of assorted reasons, I'm in the midst of some serious navel-gazing of late. There's analyzing and over thinking and all sorts of "getting in my head" action. It's a little mentally exhausting, I'm not going to lie.
It's also creatively draining, all this looking-inward. I'm a big believer that to be inspired you have to take-in everything (and everyone) happening around you. You have to really observe and process, which is hard to do when your busy not paying attention.
That quote above by Henry Miller is the perfect reminder. I'm going to recite it like my mantra and use it as my re-set as as I strive to take in all the rich treasures and beautiful souls and interesting people.
Have a lovely weekend friends...
I love this... I am constantly reminded to get out of my head... it really is exhausting... every year I seem to surrender with less and less of a fight. The holidays seem to bring on this "surrendering" business. :)
merry merry!!
Oh! Interesting topic!
First: I hope you are well and everything is okay with you.
Second: I do understand what you mean about observing- but it doesn't have to be so hard. Everything is there, you see what you are supposed to see. The brain & heart are powerful and pick up the rest on a subconconcious level.
Like attracts like. Have you read Shakti Gawain's book Creative Visualization?
It was recommended to me by a good friend and I think you love it & find it helpful.
Beautiful quote and thoughts. I know exactly what you mean. This time of year is perfect for shifting the focus outside of ourselves. Hope your weekend is full of inspiration and joy.
I think a trip to Big Sur would be in order! Great quote.
What a perfect post to read today - thank-you!! It is the times that we are in the moment and not in our heads that the best things happen - but it's hard to do! Have a wonderful weekend...
"...When your busy not paying attention" - So. So. True. Being present is the greatest goal of my life.
Birthdays bring about these ruminations for me, too.
A fellow Sagittarius,
Reading this quote nearly knocked me over! This is exactly what I've been focusing on, and I tell you, in doing this, in taking in all that surrounds me I am finding myself, my strengths, desires, talents.....
What a great quote to begin my weekend. Thank You!
Beautiful quote. I'm sorry to hear you're stuck in the navel gazing stage.
I've recently (like 3:30 am the other night) come to realize I'm like a turtle. When I get scared, anxious, nervous or feel wounded (psychologically) I regress into my shell. Sometimes it's the healthiest thing I can do. But I'll be honest: there's always an internal fight and struggle to come back out.
But maybe it's just that time of year. Winter=time for reflection.
Sending you positive thoughts and good juju.
Loooove this. Thank you for sharing the new mantra.
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