It's possible that this is my most random "random bits" post of all-time, but in my defense I had some minor dental surgery this morning and am typing this post while under the influence of the pain medication that the surgeon so kindly prescribed me... Not sure how wise it is to blog while on pain meds, but I'm throwing caution to the wind a bit.
So first up, that quote above by Thomas Moore (spotted over on the lovely
Aubrey Road). I especially like Moore's use of the phrase "ordinary arts, as it's just such a poetic and meaningful way to think about the seemingly mundane tasks you do everyday to care for your home. After reading this, I have a whole new take on making the bed each morning or carefully washing a sink-full of glasses...sort of a domestic game changer if you will.
Thank you Thomas Moore.

Ok next, I wanted to share the exciting news that
Babble included Simple Lovely as one of their
Top 50 Design Blogs for Mom. The list contains so many blogs that I admire immensely, so I was hugely honored to be among them. (Of course, it's altogether possible that Babble might completely re-think my place on their list after reading this post.)

Now on to train travel (see, random). I loved
this article by designer David Netto in
The Wall Street Journal Magazine. An overnight train trip is on my list of things I want to one day do with the girlies, and after reading this article, I'm officially obsessed. I can't stop researching possible routes. It just seems like such a cool and memorable way to take a trip in this age of super-shoddy air travel.
Have any of you guys ever done an overnight train trip? If so, what did you think?

Last but not least, on the off chance that any of you out there are in the market for a wedding planner, may I suggest Audrey. She has taken on that very role for
lovely cousin Erin and fiancé Ben, and, based on her initial planning document above, I'd say she's doing a pretty stellar job, yes?
I think Audrey is off to a great start as a wedding planner! Champagne and pinwheels pretty much cover a dream event...the rest is gravy!
Congrats on the blog kudos! Well-deserved!
My parents took us on an overnight train trip from Dallas to Missouri to visit friends when we were in elementary school (9 and 11.) It was exciting to us. The dining car! The fold up bed! Sitting backward! Plus, I was convinced intrigued lurked behind every seat since I read Murder on the Orient Express before we left. (Bad idea, Dad!)
Adorable! I love #7. Can you please have her confirm that the colors are, in fact, blue, yellow and green?
Having recently had a wisdom tooth pulled, I understand your pain (and appreciation for meds). I also loved that article. My mom and I often talk about our family's trip (with 4 kids!) from Syracuse to Chicago when I was probably about 8 or 9. We had those awesome pull-down bunks, and I vividly remember coming up with lists of homonyms while the world whizzed by. Magical!
I would hire Audrey. I love #1,2,6 and thhhhheeeennnn #11. Love it!
Well done on the blog listing - I certainly enjoying reading it.
I've done the overnight train thing a few times from Scotland to London which is fun. This year I also went from Scotland to the south of France by train, but I stopped overnight in London both ways - but it was great to travel through the Channel Tunnel, appear on the other side in France and speed our way through the French countryside - definitely worth the effort!
Haha! I love Audrey's list! I worked on that article. No re-thinking here:) Sigh.. I so want to be better at those simple tasks. Whenever I take personality tests, it says I "struggle with the mundane tasks of life" And, it's so true. I'd like to revel in them!
That wedding list is to DIE for. Please save that & frame it as a wedding gift!
#8 made me laugh out loud... thanks for sharing.
This may be one of my favorite wedding lists ever ~ I love that she included champagne and maker's mark! Good girl! And she definitely knows the color scheme. Go Audrey!
congrats on babble mention! and that list!!! she's totally on it.
I took a 2 day trip to Chicago by train with friends one year (just because we wanted to do this once in our lives). Loved it but yes, get the first class cabin with shower, beds, etc. You just gave me a great idea of a fun overnight trip with the 5 year old. Now for a destination.
I love Audrey's wedding planner list!
Congrats on babble! I love train rides, we did the overnight thing as a family when I was little and it was so fun!
Did some great overnight train travel in China pre-kids and one trip post-kids. Really wonderful way to travel. I'd love to do it again.
"maker$ mark" - priceless. And a girl after my own heart.
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