

This maxi-dress...specifically the back on this maxi-dress. Quite possibly the coolest "back on a dress" ever. Must pause to say that the maxi-dress is not my best look. Somebody (taller and thinner than me) needs to buy this so I can live vicariously through them.

This book...yes, I also posted this book last week over on Bliss. I'm that smitten.

These clogs...

and these too... They are officially on my fall shopping list. (We have a mild fall around here, so somehow what are essentially wooden sandals are totally appropriate. There are some benefits to warm weather I suppose.)

The genius lox papers blog...loving her collages. Fantastic. (spotted via rachel)

This killer bracelet...(I'm channeling my dad here -- he always says "killer", love that)

This completely dreamy ceiling. Really the entire room is dreamy. I love every detail, but I especially love that there's space to play and dream and create. I'm thinking a somewhat sparse kid's room is a good thing. (via ink and wit)

This sweet four-leaf clover necklace. A good gift, yes?


Scenes from The Weekend (getaway)

One of the things I've been wanting to do for ages (three years to be exact) is take the girlies on a surprise overnight trip...Something totally unexpected, where we just whisk them off, no advance notice.

The last couple of weeks, with the trip to Germany and the start of a new school year (and the unfortunate head cold and stomach bug that my family seems to be passing around), have felt especially, well, harried. So before the overscheduling juggernaut that is "fall" kicks-in, I managed to cross "impromptu adventure" off the list.

We picked both girls up from school at lunch on Friday and drove down to Austin for two days of cocooning. We swam for hours, roasted marshmallows, watched movies in bed and generally just enjoyed each other with no interruptions, no computers or blackberries or phone calls (the only time we pulled out the iPhone was to take a few snaps, as an hour into our trip we realized we'd left the camera at home...in retrospect, a good thing; we spent more time doing and less time "recording").

I have to say, the girls were kinda gobsmacked by the whole experience. They loved the trip (as we were leaving Millie was begging to "stay for a week"), but I think they loved the surprise even more -- so much of our day-to-day is planned to the nth degree, so apparently doing something utterly unplanned is completely novel to my kids. Needless to say, this is major food for thought...

and something we'll be doing again.


Blogger's Favorites -- Kristie of Texas Style and Substance

I first met the author of this week's blogger's favorites at a party last fall, where I promptly developed of bit of a sartorial girl crush on her. I mean those boots and her daughter Pilar's fantastic tulle skirt and jumble of necklaces... (Actually it's possible I had a sartorial girl crush on both of them.)

But Kristie is not only insanely chic + cool, she also knows her stuff. She's a contributing editor at Texas Monthly, where she writes a (totally fantastic) monthly column, Object Lesson and an editor at large at F!D Luxe + a contributor to D Magazine among others (whew). She also did a stint at Lucky Magazine where she wrote about all things Texas.

And her blog is a must-read if you live in (or are planning a visit to) Texas...

Oh and she's incredibly nice too.

So without further ado, herewith Kristie's favorites. Enjoy and have a splendid weekend.

(I'll be back Monday with the details of a little surprise adventure we have planned for the girlies this weekend.)

Cruz & Pilar – My children. Cruz made a mother out of me, and Pilar was a happy and wild addition to our little family. I love them so much that I cry over it sometimes. Everyday is an adventure with them and I just want them to grow into happy adults, surrounded by love, and mindful of others.

Cartier Love Bracelet – I mentioned to my husband Tom how much I liked a friend’s bracelet. A few weeks later on our tenth wedding anniversary he presented me with one just like it. This is more about the fact that he stills listens to me rather than the actual material good. He’s the best.

Artists – The respect I have for artists is so immense. To make a living as one is such a hard thing to do. Whether it’s a musician, a writer, a painter, whatever; when I meet someone who’s doing it I always walk away inspired and driven to make my own stuff happen. (image via new gallery).

Mariage Freres Earl Grey – I have a hot tea with half and half every morning. Mariage Freres French cotton muslin sachets are hand tied – like a little gift – and make my ritual feel so indulgent.

Magazines - My magazine obsession is a bit out of control. My office is filled with back issues of American and French Vogue from the past decade along with tons of issues of T, the style, design, and travel magazine from the NY Times, House & Garden, Domino, The New Yorker, the list goes on. I used them as inspiration and reference materials for things I'm working on and it's always fascinating to track how fashion and design, even writing styles, evolve over time.

LD Tuttle Shoes – I can honestly blame Jackie Bolin for this one. The former fashion writer co-owns V.O.D, what I consider one of the best women’s clothing boutiques in the country. The LD Tuttle’s that I’ve ordered from her always end up drawing the most attention out of anything in my closet. My most recent LD purchase is a pair of over-the-knee flat leather boots. Can’t wait for it to get cool enough to wear them. (image via shopbop)

Texas – I make no apologies for it. I love Texas. I love being from here, I love living here. The end.


An Outfit (Deconstructed) ...

I stepped out of my comfort zone a bit for this outfit...

I'm normally not so much a belt girl, much less a belt + three necklaces at the same time girl, but when you "borrow"* your six-year old's dress to wear as a top, you're allowed to throw caution to the wind, I think...

*As long as we're talking about borrowing, I should say that I borrowed (or shamelessly stole, whatever) the "kid's dress as top' idea from the far more stylish (and tinier) than me Christine. Only she wore the kid's dress as, wait for it... a grown-up dress. And she rocked it.

The Details:

  • Tank (kid's dress) -- CHAKRA
  • Belt -- Madewell
  • Necklaces -- Thrifted
  • Skirt -- Thrifted
  • Wedges -- Old Navy


A Little Hiatus/Detox Update (a.k.a. an account of my failings)

I'm not going to mince words friends...I am failing miserably at my August shopping hiatus. (Or as my friend Karey would say, F to the AILING.)

And I blame The Gap.

I mean a crazy adorable "American in Paris" collection for kiddos that perfectly coincides with Audrey's French themed birthday party. Really Gap? Really? How am I supposed to have will-power in the face of this.

I am weak. (Don't ask what I was doing in the Gap in the first place...)

But wait, there's more. While I was failing (miserably), I thought why not go down in a blaze of glory and purchased the dress above too, reasoning that I would of course need something new for the Little Bean party next week. Oh and I also bought a CHAKRA dress for Audrey, but mainly because I wanted to wear it as a top (more on that tomorrow).

So, yes, spending hiatus has somehow morphed into mini-bacchanal.

But (and you know I have to include this to show that all is not lost) sugar/alcohol detox, a smashing success. 25 days in and I'm still going strong. There was that giant bar of Toblerone that I inhaled on the flight home from Germany, but I'm counting that as pure sustenance, as I hadn't eaten in eight hours, and it was the only available food-stuff. I didn't even enjoy it. I swear.



Katherine Sandoz's gorgeous paintings via Casey...

Milka-Loom's perfect hand woven tea towels via Jenn ... since giving up paper towels, I'm pretty obsessed with all manner of tea towels.

A lovely "still life" via the (equally) lovely Mrs. French...

And speaking of Mrs. French, while she's bonding with new bébé girl French, I have a few favorite kiddo things over on Bliss, including the cuteness that is Misha Lulu (above).

Mav's excellent tips for savoring your holiday...I especially love the one about eating and drinking. (In fact, had I read that one before my trip to Germany, I would have thrown my detox to the wind. Just sayin.)

Nichole's fantastic new site. Her photos are perfection.

This room*...which throws me a bit actually, as it's not normally the type of room I go for (I'm more partial to the whole "earthy/modern" vibe). But I can't help it, I'm digging that rug + the tapestry over the bed. I also like how it's a kid's room that doesn't necessarily feel like a kid's room...a good thing.

(*I can't remember where the photo above came from. If anyone knows, give me a shout and I'll credit asap)


Scenes from The Weekend (just a few...)

The weekend was all about bonding with the girlies (I missed them dreadfully), staying cool (it was a pretty insane adjustment when I stepped off the tarmac into the triple digit Texas heat after a week of rainy, cold days) and getting ready for the first day of school (today!)

Suffice to say, there was lots of dress up and board games and general hunkering indoors...

It's so nice to be back into our school year routine though. I love this time of year... it's when all the good stuff starts. Now just bring on the fall weather.

Happy Monday friends.


Blogger's Favorites -- Paula of Two Ellie

"turning 30" inspiration board via two ellie...

I'm headed home from Germany today and couldn't be more excited. It's been a great trip, but I can't wait to get back to Bryan and the girlies and our normal routine! But before I jump on the plane I had to share this week's blogger's favorites list, as it's just so fantastic.

I am a huge fan of Paula...she's kind and thoughtful and creative and a supremely lovely person. Her excellent blog two ellie, is a daily ready...v. inspiring, and that girl can rock seriously rock some J. Crew!

So without further ado, herewith Paula's favorites. Enjoy and have a splendid weekend!


I was rather taken a back when Joslyn asked me to share a few of my favorites. Simple Lovely was one of the first blogs I read years ago and inspired me to create my own. Her style is impeccable and is always such a source of inspiration.

My Home -- It is where so many memories are being made with friends and family. Where great meals are eaten. Where I have seen my children's personalities shine. Every item in my home is an item that I adore. It is the place where I feel most at peace. Besides I am the epitome of an homebody.

Fresh Flowers -- I love all types but peonies, english roses, tulips, and hydrangeas are my favorites. The only thing that can make them better is if they come straight in from my garden.

Photography -- I especially love shooting a wedding.To truly be a part of every moment and capture those moments as they unfold is a very unique gift and such an honor. Being able to share this passion with my husband makes it all the more special.

Greek Yogurt and Honey -- Two very simple foods combined is amazing. I enjoy it daily as my dessert. I simply can not get enough.

Aging -- I think there are a few ages that can be considered milestones of life. To me 30 is one of them and this Sunday 30 I will become. I am rather excited to say the least. A whole new chapter of life opening up and to see how far I have come is a beautiful thing. My twenties were filled with new beginnings, marriage, two children, and most importantly finding God and becoming who I am today. I see 30 as still growing, but also refining myself as person. To truly just be and enjoy every minute of it.

My Family -- This one could probably go without saying, but I truly adore my family. They are what I live for daily.

Mark Your Calendar!

Christine and I are co-hosting a party on September 3rd to celebrate Little Bean's first anniversary, and well…we’re blowing things out a bit. (Because seriously having someplace as cool and unique as Little Bean in Dallas is something to toast.)

We’re throwing down with a full Rikshaw Design pop-up shop (think loads of boho bedding, baby apparel + women’s kurtas), and the fantastically lovely Rikshaw designer Catherine Fitzsimmons will be flying in for the occasion.

We’ll also have cupcakes, a DJ, face painting for the kiddos + of course plenty of bubbly…

See you there!

The Details:

When: Friday, September 3, 6pm – 8pm
Where: Little Bean, 5308 Junius Street, Dallas 75214

Scenes from Germany -- Part Two

A few more pics for you, taken last night on our nightly walk to dinner... And some highlights: wooden blocks, a coloring book and a big bag of gummy bears for the girlies, dinner at a castle, a little bit of a v. tasty fried apple/donut thing (I'm sure there's an actual name for this) with ice cream.

I also walked for (what felt like) hours, stuck to sparkling water and resisted some serious H&M temptation, so I figure it all balances out, yes?