I'm normally not so much a belt girl, much less a belt + three necklaces at the same time girl, but when you "borrow"* your six-year old's dress to wear as a top, you're allowed to throw caution to the wind, I think...
*As long as we're talking about borrowing, I should say that I borrowed (or shamelessly stole, whatever) the "kid's dress as top' idea from the far more stylish (and tinier) than me Christine. Only she wore the kid's dress as, wait for it... a grown-up dress. And she rocked it.
the epitome of COOL...
I'm heading to Hailey's closet *right now*.
Looks great! I'm a total belt girl, it's sort of like a scarf...feels secure!
Julie xo
CHAKRA Design Studio is LOVING this, Joslyn! Adorable!
Love it! Love that thrifts parts, love the borrowed dress and the belt & necklaces are just perfect! I love all the outfits you share. You remind to take advantage of all the fun things in my drawers and closet.
Oh my! I thought I was the only one wearing kids clothes! This is a breakthrough! This has made my day!
Love the outfit!
The belt definitely gives a more refined and constructed feel to the look. I love it!
i have a minor obsession with belts. love the belted "top" and necklaces. try it with boyfriend jeans, bet it would look adorable!
nice! i am trying to learn the art of belts myself. my favorite bit about this ensemble is that lovely little elephant necklace. great find.
cute, cute everything
It looks wonderful - love the three necklaces together.
Fantastic! Great print. Great idea :-)
love this outfit-coll, relaxed, and perfect for summer
you are too cute [and cool!]...love this!
sorry, I mis-posted my comment. I love your outfit. It's so well put together :)
Joslyn, you are my style inspiration! Not in terms of copying your style (my one attempt to wear a dress over jeans was horrifying) but moreso that you remind me how imporant it is that we each express ourselves genuinely in the way we present ourselves to the world each day.
I love this running feature on your blog. :)
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