Despite a small dose of three-year old defiance (Millie refused to wear the pink suede cowgirl vest bought just for the occasion for more than 5 minutes, opting instead for a sparkly faux-sequined monstrosity dredged up from the bottom of the dress-up bin, but hey it was her party right?), the party was a rousing success.
Patsy Cline was on heavy rotation, and the kiddos donned their cowboy hats, played pin the tail on the donkey and took a few whacks at the horsey piñata (sometimes the basics are the best, no?)…although Millie did proclaim numerous times that she was going to "beat the horse with a stick" (note to self, next time get an inanimate object piñata because that’s just, well, kinda sad.)
I also got to finally break in my new little Fuji Instax Mini for the party -- I love this thing so much, I’m going to have to set aside a whole seperate fund for film this year...
Hope your weekend was lovely!
bi hugs to millie. happy birthday! looks liek she had fun. amy
love the party!!!
looks like a blast. so much fun and beautiful.
looks like great fun...i love the wood slabs with ponies on the grass...a sweet touch.
what a cute theme and such a fun party!
didn't know about the fuji camera and now im loving it thanks!!
what an adorable party! the little ones look like they had a blast. who doesn't want to be a cowgirl for a day? happy birthday to sweet millie!
i hauled my fuji instax all over paris and absolutely loved it! i haven't quite figured out how/ where to display the photos so if you think of something let me know!
WOW...they look like they had fun! Fantastic theme.
Thanks for sharing...
great party!!
love the sequins, love that you let her wear it!
Seriously! That party looks darling! You did some excellent planning and cute decorations. Don't you love the little stubborn side that comes out on their special day! I feel like that happens with every bday party!
This looks like such a great time. I love the tablescape. You're little girlies are lucky.
Love pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey!
Did you make the cupcakes?
I love the little drawstring bags! Very cute! Those cupcakes look yummy too!
what a picture perfect birthday party, I love every detail of it, you did a stunning job!
Melissa -- Sprinkles made the cupcakes ;-) but I did make 60 cornbread muffins, so that's something, no?
Ha! Totally something! I'm debating whether I should tackle baking 4 dozen cupcakes or let someone else handle it...my little crumb's first of three parties is this weekend.
love the vest story.
What a great pary, everyone seems to have had a a ball. Photo quality looks pretty good as well. Think I'll look at the Fuji for myself.
Just came across your wonderful blog. Thanks for sharing!
Love it - so so so cute!!! I hope adorable Millie had a wonderful party!!!
Sweet party with some thoughtful touches. I love the horses on the stumps and the goodie bags.
If you opt for a piñata again you may consider a ribbon pull instead of a beating. After a few too many close calls with some very committed swingers we have wised up and opt for the ribbons now. It's not as dramatic but everyone leaves happy (and uninjured).
Wow, I love the decor, the table settings, the clothes, the cupcakes, everything amazing!!!
eco-stylista: sourcebook for eco-conscious living
It looks so fun! And the table is gorgeous.
Unbelieveably cute!!!
you're such a cool mom. I want to be like you!
those cupcakes look yummy. and millie is adorable. hope she loved her party.
that party looked so cute! great job, mama
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