
A Moral Question (sort of)...

So...is it bad if I buy this Paris Map Tote for Audrey for Christmas fully intending to steal it from her to use myself?

I mean really...it's just so cute -- see proof below.

image via map tote

But, seeing as I'm in the thick of holiday gift buying, I can't bring myself to buy anything for me. Guilt is a powerful thing friends...

Now, to be less obvious that I'm giving my six-year old child a gift really intended for me, I have a plan. I'm going to fill the tote with some of her favorite books, but in French* (like this one and this one too), each individually wrapped, and I intend to make my move on the tote while she's busy gleefully unwrapping the books...

Clever, non?

*We're having a major French moment right now, Audrey and I, as at a birthday party this past weekend, we met a very cool mom + daughter who told us about a class she takes each week that combines art (shading, perspective, oil painting, etc...), piano and French lessons.

Audrey was so excited (all her very favorite things -- music, art and french -- in one single class... Sacrebleu!) that she fell into sort of an eerie calm and just said in a low and determined voice,

"i. want. to. take. that. class."

She starts this afternoon...


Anonymous said...

Might I suggest adding the French editions of some of the Madeleine books? I did this for my girl when she was born and I hope she will treasure them one day as much as I do!

Love your idea, as usual!

Joslyn said...

Kristina -- great idea! i'll put them on the list!
thank you

Cathi said...

I think that sounds like a fabulous idea especially with the addition of the Madeleine books!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

As you know, our crumb is surrounded by all things French! C'est tres bon!

The Depressed Yogi said...

Omg GREAT find! And so cheap!! And what a fabulous petite Christmas gift. ;)

Estelle Hayes said...

That class sounds wonderful. I wish I could sign myself up.

Unknown said...

What a fabulous gift idea!

P.S. Can I take that class?


Jenn said...

hehe... I love this

tiffany said...

Holy crapola! I'm dying over that tote and those books and how ADORABLE (that's French for adorable) your child is!

Engracia said...

I want to take that class!

Marion said...

C'est une très bonne idée de faire de jolis cadeaux français !!!! A very good idea I must say ! ;-)

Ana Degenaar said...

I love that idea, and I'd steal that tote from my daughter too. I'm a huge Franchophile and I was too, thinking of a very French gift for my daughter, I agree that the Madeline books are just lovely and the new doll is so... so cute!

karey m. said...

but OF COURSE she needs it!

{in a whisper...you. are. devious.}

i like it very much. the devious part, that is. xoxo.

Michelle {lovely little things} said...

Love the Paris map tote, I want one!

Unknown said...

oh, i'm SO jealous that you live in a place where classes like that exist.

melissa just posted about a similar thing and in the comments are a lot of great french immersion ideas (like links to old french cartoons you can get on netflix, I believe).

and no problem stealing the tote. i am planning on doing the very same thing to my husband except with the hot chocolate making machine i am getting for him. i feel no remorse for my plan.

Alice Wulfstier said...

My son is 5 now and just loves EVERYTHING about Paris. I don't know where he gets it from, but he loves the language and listens to French speaking tapes and music all the time. It's so cool!

Tamara said...

well you are stronger than i am, because i find it absolutely impossible not to buy myself things this time of year. i would be the last person to judge you for stealing the tote!

Melissa said...

I love the French title of Where the Wild Things Are! I also suggest Le Petit Prince. It's a favourite of mine.

Karin van Dam said...

Sounds like a great idea :-)

That class sounds marvelous for a little girl. I can't wait to hear if she had a good time!

simplesong said...

very clever...i say go for it! all so cute.

katy said...

okay. the tote bag is tdf. here are a few of my favorite French books - they are on amazon.fr. not sure if it ships to the U.S. but thought i'd share anyway -


This one is so simple to read (even with my atrocious American accent) The book of 100. Plus the illustrations totally justify buying this book.

Second: Little Sister, Big Sister
as i know you have 2 girls (me too!)


And these vintage looking and simple word books from my friend Catherine's shop. She is Belgian.


Also - the Fancy Nancy books have some French in them too. Easy, common words, but ones that your daughter will pick up quickly.


Have fun!!

Jim said...

Rachel, of Maptote, used to be our studio manager. If you knew her and her husband Michael (partners in Maptote) you would wish them every success. They are smart and cute and funny.

They met and after awhile tried thinking of something they could do together....he is a cartographer and she is a stylist.

C'est parfait!