
Killing Me Softly...

Oh Gwyneth, you and your impecible fashion sense.... I'm totally in love with that white Isabel Marant lace "dress." (That's the type of thing I'd save up for and have forever btw.) The jury's still out on the jumpsuit though... She can pull it off, but I'm not so much a jumpsuit girl myself.


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

everything she puts on looks amazing...especially that mexican-inspired dress with the boots.

Tiffany said...

I love the white dress as well. I swooned over it when I got my GOOP email this morning. But the jumpsuit... no way in HELL. Not even if I ha Tracy Anderson on speed dial!

Joanna said...

I think the dress is cute, but doesn't seem very "Gwyneth", especially when pared with those boots. Those jeans need to be thrown away. I like the striped top, though. I have a weakness for stripes.

Anne said...

So funny! As soon as I read my Goop newsletter I thought of you and your blog! Great stuff for sure. I do like the jumpsuit on Gwenyth actually...

Joanna Goddard said...

gorgeous! i love the striped shirt.

east side bride said...

I kind of love the jumpsuit. It looks so easy to wear!

Anonymous said...

I really dig the jumpsuit. But I'm definitely a jumpsuit kind of gal. I sort of live in my overalls from denmark. I have to agree though, the white dress is dreamy.

Chelsea said...

I love Gwyneth's fashion emails!! I don't care what the haters say. Though I am a definite No on the jumpsuit even though it looks awesome on her. Oh and Cameron Diaz wore one on Jimmy Fallon the other night and looked awesome.These three outfits were my favorite too!

Callie Grayson said...

oh that white dress so to die for... so pretty and sweet!

paula said...

How chic is she. Happy Easter Josyln.

MFAMB said...

i love all the isabel marant clothes. the white dress is a must on my list..the boots will have to wait :(

Heather Taylor said...

i loved these looks!