First up, what we did instead of shopping…
So I'm one month into the hiatus, and friends I have to say, this week was (unfortunately) very, very challenging. We had to go to the dancewear store to get Audrey some ballet slippers and tights, as she’s just started taking lessons, and I drooled excessively over a new pair of yoga pants and one of those flimsy, gauzy ballet wrap sweaters.
Then later at Target, I literally put three different pairs of sandals in my cart…of course I eventually took them all out, but boy was it hard. Finally there was a chunky felt bead necklace at the museum gift store that I wanted to hang in Millie’s room -- all multi-colored and groovy and fun and only $9.00, but I decided I’d wait and make it a gift for her Easter basket post-hiatus. I think I wanted that the most.
Oh and our support group now boasts 53 participants... How are you all doing?
Good! I did have a hard moment this morning when I visited and found a lovely ruffled sweater just calling my name. I let it be with the thought that someday when I can buy it, it will be on sale...and still available in my size and color (right?) That and my enabling friends are telling me about various items they've seen that are just so Cassie. I have been able to laugh at them and say, nope, not right now. Which feels awesome.
I admire your willpower at Target. I have not stepped foot into the store for the past month for the very good reason that I ALWAYS find something there!
Good job sticking to it! I admit that I slipped up (hugely) last week, but I'm back on the wagon.
Last week was next to impossible. In all honesty, if it weren't for the knowledge of my husband buying me a Valentine's present, I would have totally caved.
J. Crew's new arrivals nearly had me in tears. ;)
I loved all the pictures :) You are doing such an incredible job!
I'm totally with you on this one. This last week was very, VERY hard. I can't say I did all that well, but I am more aware of my consumption & that is worth something, I think.
Looks like a fun weekend - I really need to try out those Nasher Saturdays (but our weekends are now filled with house projects galore!).
I have to say, too, that I agree with you about leaving the babies at home... I feel so guilty that it's so much more fun (and soooo much easier!). I know that feeling.
looks like a such a fun day, the paper bird(i assume?) hangings are so beautiful! hope the hiatus'll get easier for you in the following month! :)
what sweet little models!
Sounds like you had so much fun!!! I love the picture of Audrey and Joshua posing like the statue.
i love all the origami birds, beautiful. as for the hiatus, it seems everything i want is on sale, ugh. oh well, this has been so good for me.
I'm with whoorl. J.Crew is killing me lately. I just love their new catalog look. This week for me was up and down, but I survived a trip to the mall/macys and target yesterday buying some work clothes for the boy and a couple gifts for my MIL. Nothing wasteful. I enjoyed shopping for others...erinn
Oh yes, and when the new J Crew catalog arrived, I did cry inside for just a minute...
i'm with you ladies...the new jcrew catalog was divine...
I made my husband take the jcrew catalog out to the recycling bin without opening it because I knew I would crack.
it looks like you had a lovely weekend!
great ideas joslyn. i took kyle about a month ago to the art museum here and he loved it - it was free. i need to do that again. instead i took him yesterday to a fundraiser for his preschool at barnes & noble. proceeds benefit his classroom. so how could i resist a couple of books - especially ones in French? And then old navy was just next door and he did need some socks but not the 3 shirts on sale. so i caved in - for him, not for me (does that get me any sympathy points). note to self, leave kids at home...I'm stronger in stores w/o them!
I had a really hard time this weekend...I really really wanted to go shopping for some reason. Maybe because the sales are so amazing that stores are practically giving things away or I'm craving spring so I would love to buy something pretty to tuck into the closet for a later date... I didn't though & I was pretty proud of that!
I went out to eat with a friend and found that since I hadn't blown my money on makeup, I wasn't as worried about the bill and could really enjoy myself. Wrote about it here:
I did hit a tough patch when one of my favorite thrift stores (a trendy, upscale one) had a $1 sale. I really wanted some $1 clothes. Did I mention that this only happens ONCE a year, maybe twice? It was tough to resist, but I managed it. Especially since I have more than enough clothes as is.
It is wonderful that you have so many interesting, fun places to visit on the weekends. The problem with my area is there aren't enough places like that. Pretty much the only thing to do is go out to a restaurant, a store, the park or library. Gets boring after a while, and that is where the shopping comes in! But still soldiering on...
Wow....that looks like so much fun! And I love that photo of the two of them posing like the sculpture. Wonderful.....I am proud of you! It is so hard, isn't it?
This is such a fantastic idea... I have been considering it since you started and I decided to start my own 1 month shopping hiatus... (which will probably prove difficult for a a girl with a blog about shopping!). My only little "silver-lining" is that I am allowed to use 2 store credits that I have sitting in my wallet (but not go over their amount).
Today was day 2 - Thanks for the inspiration!
I love your photo of the paper cranes, so lovely!
the third photo is completely adorable
Great pics, gorgeous kids and well done! I satisfied myself with a little necessary stationery shopping, but otherwise I'm doing great. I must admit my year-long hiatus is looking doubtful at this stage, but who know how enlightened I might feel by the start of April?
Wow, looks like you had fun, I am so happy that you are sticking to your goal! How impressive! I am only buying things that have to do with work, research as it were, actually not as hard as I thought it would be.
I honestly almost cried a little when I passed the third photo. it's fab.
I have totally failed, Joslyn. I'm terrible. When you are off your hiatus you'll have to go check out chad wys's etsy shop; unbelievable oil paintings. and SO affordable. shockingly affordable. i couldn't stop myself from buying 3 (but altogether only $27 -)...
what a fun museum date!
Oh, I need to join this group! I love the creative and inexpensive way you are spending your time. And the photo of the girls with the statue is just darling!
I love seeing your trip to the museum! What a clever way to spend time rather than money!
I find seeing money in my checking account rather encouraging for a change!
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