It seems like many of you want to join in on some sort of spending hiatus, so I thought I’d make the idea of a “support group” a little more formal (but not overly complicated).
I think it would be great if we all committed to doing a weekly post tracking our progress -- what went well, what was especially hard not to purchase, etc...I’m planning to do my spending hiatus post every Monday (as weekends are definitely the biggest shopping temptation for me.) If you’d definitely like to join in, just leave a comment on this post letting me know, and I’ll include a list of everyone participating on next Monday's post, so we'll know what blogs to visit for a little commiseration.
Sound good?
I’ve gotten a lot of comments about wanting to do it for a month instead of three, or only for "new" purchases instead of used or thrifted buys, and ultimately I think how you choose to structure your spending hiatus is really up to you. My plan is no “non-essential”* purchases for three full months (January 10 -April 10.)
* In case you’re wondering, essential includes food, toiletries (i.e. soap, toothpaste), gas, etc… We’ll also still spend money going to museums, movies, the zoo, etc… And I’ve allowed a small budget for craft supplies, but we’ve limited eating out to once a week, as this is another source of mindless spending.
Here we go!
Great post - I can't wait to hear what you suggest.
i'm in. we'll see how it goes!
I'm in! I'm allowing myself to still buy thrifted non-essentials - baby steps, right?
Count me in please.
I'm in. I'm with you on the "entertainment" items still being accessible, but in limited quantities. Also, I'll give myself a break for needed supplies for our crafty projects, but again, it will be in moderation.
I'll give it a go!
I like this, also, I like the once a week dining out thing, we have been really trying on this one, but it is so hard! I like this...good idea...I am trying to figure out if i have the upa to join you...Oh..heheh, you accidentally spelled my name wrong on your lovely post about my work, armas :)
count ME in!
J :)
sounds great!!!
I want to play! A little support like this might be just the thing to help me detox the shopping bug out of my system. Thanks for organizing!
I definitely need the support! Count me in.
I'm in too!
we're doing the scale WAY back on eating out too. once a week is plenty, really. and honestly it will be a welcome break from all the gluttony of december. actually, november too. and really october. the whole wedding/honeymoon indulge-fest rolled nicely in to the holidays for us.
we are in need of a break in a bad way.
i think this is going to be a splendid experiment. enriching our lives without material possessions. i am definitely going to give it a whirl. thank you for being the coordinator.
I'd love to join in. Thanks for helping me keep a resolution!
i will be doing one tomorrow!
Yes, it's time to cut that mindless spending out. I will be sure to write a post about it this week!
I love how you call it a spending hiatus. I should join in.
I know what you will be doing on April 11th :) Sundog Books anyone? Or how about a pina colada at the pool...that is if it's fixed this year.
We are watching our pennies too!
Miss you!
PS...We are trying to cut back from eating out.
jane -- yes! but you know this means i can't buy any new clothes, etc before seaside...yikes!
yes! so far so good this week (if you don't count birthday presents :) )
we also have made a family goal of eating out less. oh dear.
i'm in too! i had a goal to only buy recycled clothing for 6 months but only buying things you actually need is even better! great idea!
I'm in Joslyn. (fyi, just referenced this on my new blog at: http://dorasmith.x.iabc.com/)
oh, yes - count me in, too!
I'm in! It will be hard, but will help me pay off a few debts. Well worth the sacrifices, right? Thanks for the challenge!
i'm in. i may have to redefine my original boundaries (just found out i'm going to san francisco in march)... but i'm in.
I'm in too. I've been looking for an excuse to do this.
I'm new to your blog but I think this would be a great experiment. I don't know if I can make it three full months- though maybe if I allow myself a small "thrifting" allowance. So, consider me in. Maybe if I can't stock up on new stuff I can start weeding through all the old junk in my apartment. Eep.
This is a great idea. I'll start tomorrow...after a glorious weekend of gluttonous behavior...3 shirts, two belts, and makeup...that should hold me over for a little while. Maybe I'll even return the belts, and one of the shirts. And limiting eating out to once a week is a great idea. I really hate it when we've eaten out all week, and then the weekends too and I think of all the money we could have saved.
My whole life I have wanted a set of longhorns with the skull attatched. Weird? Definitely.
But it's nice to see that weird can also be so stylish!
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