

my favorite piece...

I’m loving Lemonstory by Kimenna’s interesting pleated/ruffled dresses and tops (via mon petit lapin’s etsy favorites.)

They remind me a bit of Leanne’s pieces on Project Runway.*

* Are you watching this? If so, who are you rooting for?


Kate said...

Totally thought about Leann when I saw these. I am rooting for her or Jerel...but as long as Kenley doesn't win, I'm happy. She bugs!

Joslyn said...

kate -- i completely agree about kenley...ugg.

Mon Petit Lapin said...

Hehe its so funny when you hear people have been moseying at your favorites! Thanks for the mention! I came across her shop via another blog and I'm trying desperately to remember which grr I've forgotten. Loving your blog as always ;) all the best x

nichole said...

I love Lemon Story, and rely on those cute pieces when I am curating etsy treasuries.

I am a Leanne fan, and think that someone needs to tighten Kenly's proverbial girdle.

Kristin said...

I'm for Jerell or LeaAnn, although I find Kenley' stuff interesting and think if she was given free reign she may have the most interesting set. And at times I wonder if they kind of villain-ify her for reality tv purposes?

paula said...

that is one of the few shows i miss since we no longer have cable, but I sure do love that purple dress.

Laura Naples said...

I identify with Leanne's pieces the most, but Jerell has the most original voice, and Korto makes the most beautifully constructed clothes. I think Korto is my fave...

Melissa de la Fuente said...

LOVE lemonstory...these are all beautiful!

The VIPs said...

Leanne was exactly what I thought when I saw these pieces, so pretty! I'm going for her or Jerell

Julia said...

So elegant :)

SimplyGrove said...

These pieces are GORGEOUS! Totally looks like Leanne's pieces:)

Stephanie said...

Love the pleated gray top especially. I, like you, gravitate towards anything pleated and lately...anything grey.

Rachel said...

Gorgeous! And it's so funny that they remind you of Leanne's pieces, because the instant I saw that grey top I thought "Leanne?".
I think I'm rooting for Leanne, although I love Jerell. Tough decision.

whit said...

That is so funny, when I opened up your page I thought you had somehow gotten Leanne's line! I'm rooting for her, but also love Jerell.

AMM blog said...

GASP! I adore each of these!

Anonymous said...

amazing amazing pieces---I'm not sure what it inspires me to do more: order a bunch to support independent artisans, or whip out my sewing machine in homage to Kimenna's talent! of course, no reason why I can't do both! sigh...etsy is so addictive and wonderful.

Anonymous said...

ruffles sleeves are my fave. and go leanne! :)

Kristin said...

Look what I found:


Check it out, its Leanne's website for her line of clothing...

; )

After the last show, I am definitely rooting for Leanne.

Joslyn said...

oooh kirstin jo excellent! i can't wait to poke around her site. i'm with you...totally rooting for Leanne. that dress was amazing.

Uncle Beefy said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! LOVE that last piece!!!

Yay for Leanne! That's who I'm rootin' for!