image by polly wreford vi jackie’s blog sweetie pie pumpkin noodle
All this week, along with my normal posts, Amy and I will feature lists from Friday's adventure!
Today’s list belongs to the lovely Jackie …
27 Things I want to Do Before I'm 28
- Start a gratitude journal
- Plant an herb and veggie garden (I really like the Square Foot Gardening method)
- Buy a dress pattern for the girls, learn to read it and sew up some dresses!
- Take girls to the library at least once a week
- Create more family rituals (Like our annual October Half Moon Bay pumpkin patch trip)
- Learn to cook simple, fresher, healthier meals
- Create a budget and stick with it!
- Thrift more, pay full price less
- Organize the girls' toys and donate at least half
- Create meal plans every Sunday
- Carve out more quality time with Hubby
- Do weekly crafts with Natalie
- Get back to reading at least one book a month
- Recycle-I know it's awful that I don't already. My town does not have a recycling program, and I just haven't gotten around to finding out where I can recycle what.
- Make bed every morning
- Create a weekly cleaning schedule
- Visit my Grandma and Aunt more, who live an hour and a half away
- Learn to take better digital photos
- Get over my fear of cooking for others and entertain friends more often
- Watch an old movie at The State Theater
- Pick fabric and sew curtains for the family room
- Take the local community ed class on how to reupholster furniture, and bring my Nana's wing chair as the project.
- Turn large blank wall in family room into an art wall- all with etsy finds of course
- Go to more performances at the Gallo Center For The Arts
- Write a weekly letter to my mom, re-capping all the little things that she misses by living so far away
- Put little love notes in my Hubby's lunch (even though it will probably embarrass him)
- Vote
I love the list idea! I turn 26 in April so I've been working on my list of 25 things. Hope to have it done soon. I will send it in asap!
Thank you so much for featuring my list! It was gratifying to define some goals for the year. I feel more focused now.
I love this Joslyn. it's so inspiring!! I've been working on my own list, as I'm turning 27 in a few months. maybe for my friday right this second. :)
This is SUCH a great feature Joslyn...inspiring and I DO love lists! :) Thank you for visiting over in my neck of the woods today. I was happy to have you!
Great list - of course "Vote" should be on mine as well!
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