I think of fellow blogger Jora as a bit of a "minimalistic Martha." Her excellent blog Domestic Reflections is the motherlode of recipes, weekly meal plans, home tips, eco finds and all sorts of other goodness. After spotting a few shots of her stunning modern home in a post about her annual summer solstice party (brilliant, no?), I was dying to see more. Jora happily obliged, and I’m thrilled to share them with you as Simple Lovely’s first ever home tour!
Jora and her hubby painstakingly restored their mid-century, Southern California home and now consider it their dream house. (I love that!) They did a great job of making the space feel totally of the moment while retaining the spirit of the house -- and it really is an amazing space… In fact, when it was first built in the 1960’s, it was featured in Sunset magazine.
Oh and p.s. not only do they live in a super stylish space, but they also have a great garden and raise chickens… so cool.
Without further ado, take a peek at Jora’s home.
Check out Jora’s blog
when can I move in?
um, jealous??? amazing home. perfect right down to the raised beds for growing food and chickens!!!
beautiful inspiration!
GORGEOUS! And not overly designed. It looks like real people live there. Thanks for the inspiration!
LOOK at those adorable chickens!! Can't wait to see more features, Jos :)
Great post. Thanks for sharing ; )
Can we get more information on that adorable baby bassinet in the top picture? It is perfection.
people like jora (and you, joslyn) drive me crazy with these gorgeous homes that make me want to crawl through the screen and move right in! how do you do it and why wasn't i given that gene at birth???
Thanks everybody! I think I finally fixed the photos so you can access them.
The bassinet is by Caiboo: http://www.cariboostore.com/cariboo-bassinets.html?srcad=caribou+bassinet.
Man, I am so glad I live close so I can hang out there all the time ;-) Not only that, but Jora is a fabulous cook and makes a mean espresso, her kids are adorable, AND they have a pool. We really scored when they moved out to the mountain!
alice...i'm jealous! i wish i lived next door to jora
I love it very very much!!!!
I have never visit her blog,thanks!!!
I am one of the lucky ones to visit Jora's lovely home and can vouch for it. She and her husband have a wonderful place. It's unique and stylish.
My kids love the chickens and the pool. My husband digs the garden and the decks. I just like to hang with my friend.
i would slide down that dining room table! in love with it all!
thanks, you! xoxo
so peaceful...
mmm... so airy, but not at all boring.
that marigold colored wall is phenomenal!
Thanks so much for this post. Jora, your house is sublime. I love it all, but above everything else, I love your floors! What kind of wood is that?
Meaghans...thanks so, so much! The floors are Brazilian Teak. They are supposedly a green, "sustainable" wood (comparable to bamboo, but without some of bamboo's downsides -- that's what we were told anyway). We got a screaming deal on it. You should check it out if you are in the market for new floors.
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