great poster-- I love this directive. A reminder to be decent to others-- that you're not the only one working hard and handling pressure. Most of us are pushing ourselves-- no need for pettiness. Great.
hi, joslyn! what a perfect poster/saying...simply & beautifully stated. i discovered your beautiful blog a few months ago and i'm such an admirer of your photos+posts...simply perfect! I just joined the bandwagon and started my journey into the blogosphere at i just received an award for my blog and i'm passing the 'love' (the Brillante Weblog Premio Award 2008) to you and 7+ other spectacular blogs...(there are so many out there to still discover...) so please stop by when you can to read my post about it, i would be honoured with your visit. Thank you so very much for your BEAUTIFUL on-line journal and sharing so much inspiration with all of us...I always look forward to visiting you and your world! xo jo ;)
You and me BOTH. Wow - I really love her work.
Here's to Friday! :)
I love this!!!!
Wow, I had a doozy of a week myself. I love that poster :)
love the photo...dreamy and delicious all at once.
and that saying is so much better than how people normally act...
nice work being hard on people.
right? kind of had the same kind of week. too much. too mean. too stress.
why do people waste time? ugh.
ugh, this week was forever long and horrid... great photos
Does that mean I have to be nice to people who arent working hard when I am because that's so maDDenNING! Sorry just had to get that out of my system!
driftwood shack..ha! good point. no i don't think you have to be "nice" to them...but i just think you can't be mean...neutral perhaps ;-)
great poster-- I love this directive. A reminder to be decent to others-- that you're not the only one working hard and handling pressure. Most of us are pushing ourselves-- no need for pettiness. Great.
i love that poster!!
That is an excellent poster! I totally want it.
hi, joslyn! what a perfect poster/saying...simply & beautifully stated. i discovered your beautiful blog a few months ago and i'm such an admirer of your photos+posts...simply perfect! I just joined the bandwagon and started my journey into the blogosphere at i just received an award for my blog and i'm passing the 'love' (the Brillante Weblog Premio Award 2008) to you and 7+ other spectacular blogs...(there are so many out there to still discover...) so please stop by when you can to read my post about it, i would be honoured with your visit. Thank you so very much for your BEAUTIFUL on-line journal and sharing so much inspiration with all of us...I always look forward to visiting you and your world! xo jo ;)
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