Generally I am not shy about piling on the accessories. An arm full of bangles, a groovy necklace, a ginormous tote? Bring it on. But belts? Well belts are altogether another story. I think the last time I actually donned a belt was in the early 90's, through belt loops, on pants, purely for function -- not exactly a fashion statement.
But now? Well now I'm obsessed with belts. It happened fairly recently (and it snuck up on me quite frankly) at Amy's LFT trunk show. We arrived early to set-up her lovely jewels, and once everything was in place, I got to work trying on various frocks that I couldn't afford. One of the uber-cute shop girls was wearing a dress + a fun belt with great aplomb, and I was intrigued...so I asked if they had a belt that I could give a whirl, and of course they did, so I did, and now I'm obsessed...whew -- got all that?? (It probably didn't hurt that the belt they provided me might have been the most awesome belt I've ever seen, in a ridiculously expensive, wonder woman, "power belt" sort of way.)
Needless to say, I didn't buy that particular belt (it cost, after all, more than my first car...seriously), but I left that evening on an official quest to obtain a few belts. I'm taking baby steps and have started out with two simple skinny numbers that I've been wrapping around tunics and dresses, but based on how much I'm totally digging those belts, I'm thinking this is just the beginning.
I, too, go through belt phases. I just bought a skinny shiny red one today and I have no idea what I'm going to wear it with.
I love belts, but struggle to find ones that work - I have NO torso. So sad...they look so wonderful on other people...
Have been wearing belts of all sizes for the past few months--love the way they cinch my waist and complete every outfit . . .
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