Oh friends we ate (and ate and ate). But it was good...totally worth it even. (I never feel too bad about "the eating" when the food is really excellent, and in this case, it was.)
In addition to the food marathon, we played lots of UNO, slept-late, hung out with friends and just generally futzed about, which was a nice contrast to the hectic few days leading up to the holiday. I also finally watched the excellent Bill Cunningham documentary. (I know I'm late to the game here.) He is just an amazing person: passionate, immensely talented, exceedingly humble... The movie is a must-see, even if you have no interest in fashion (I watched it with Bryan and my dad, neither of which are particularly sartorially inclined, and they both loved it), as it inspires your best self -- always a good thing. It was a highlight of my weekend for sure.
Bill Cunningham and cranberries. It really doesn't get better than that!
The white haired woman is gorgeous!
lena -- that's my cousin Erin. She's amazing isn't she??!!
are those peonies? where the heck did you get peonies this time of year??? gorgeous color!
Loved the Bill Cunningham movie too, though it was a little sad, and I didn't expect that! I kind of want to see it again. Really feel like watching lots of movies right now. Tis the season or something. :)
seriously, the bill cunningham documentary was one of the best films we have seen in a long time. i'm still searching for another great to follow...yet to find. urgh.
of course your table looks amazing! the lighting looks so warm and magical!
I found the Bill Cunningham documentary so moving and touching, and like you, recommend it to everyone, even those not interested in fashion. What an amazing character, and just so filled with joy at what he does, it gives me goosebumps just remembering it all.
Your table scene photos are always so luminous and beautiful, mine end up such a mess. The reds and whites are gorgeous. Another uplifting doco (this time about art) is Herb and Dorothy, a postal worker and a librarian, two delightful collectors, who amassed one of the most important collections in the US.
I see someone, or two or three that I know! And one that I will see very soon! hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving Jos!
Happy you finally saw Bill Cunningham New York. Something about him is SO inspiring! I love how he sees the world, xo
So in love with these photos!
Stephanie -- they are peonies! Whole Foods randomaly had a bunch of them last week. Such a score!
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