The weekend was filled with all sorts of crazy goodness -- cool, sunny spring-like days, leprechaun traps, sleep-overs, baby cuddling, camel rides, hidden lagoons. It was a bit magical even. But now we're back into the grind of the week, and it's not off to the best of starts... (think nasty head-colds and laundry threatening to take over the house). Boo for Monday. I think Tuesday will be better. I can feel it.
I have the spring fever as well...and it's 35 degrees and raining today. BOO!
Love that gold glitter, and a camel ride? Amazing!!! Wishing for spring-y weather here too!!
it looks and sounds just lovely!
That last picture really caught my attention. It looks like Fall, Winter & Sring all in one shot!
Trees in bloom, camels, glitter, sleepovers and munchable babies? Definitely sounds magical!
magical joyousness indeed! makes me happy to know someone out there had such a blissful weekend.
Camels in Texas?? Do tell!!
katy -- i know, right? we were at the zoo ;-)
Love that top image!
such sweet photos... i love the top image too... we have been so sick too... what the what!! no fun!
Such precious pictures!
Wow very sweet baby and cute smile cute pose and funny movements images I think all over is too good.
Romantic Dinner
What beautiful smile I love it. Very beautiful photo. thanks for the posting. its lovely baby.
Online Travel Tourism
Cute and lovely baby's and wondering location. Perfect your weekend and nice planning .
Romantisch Hotel Brugge
Incredibly sweet. What a lovely family!
Lela London - Fashion Blog
Lovely pictures, the one of the baby reaching up is beautiful...We had a leprechaun in our weekend too...
wishing for spring thanks to your light-filled, blossoming pictures. i like the one with the elephant too!
Very nice and beautiful smile. It is such a best location you selected for travelling.
Absorbent matting
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