Sally Singer's nails...actually everything about Sally Singer. I'm a fan. (Thanks Molly!)
This hugely inspiring workspace...(via Emma)
Her dual belt action -- love. And her ombre hair...still loving ombre hair. Big time. (via Jak & Jil)
This perfect little vignette... the succulents with the black and white looks really fresh to me. I always end up putting my succulents into the "earthiest" pots possible. Maybe it's time for a new approach? (via Seesaw)

I love this list! That necklace screams gaga! Love it!
ombre hair is so huge in LA. It's making my want to grow my hair out, even though it will look terrible for months!
those bracelets are crazy! they're like robot handcuffs or something. i would love to see somebody in their cubicle, catching up on email, wearing those like it was no big deal. ha!
That workspace is awesome! I love how light yet cosey it feels!
Hannie - Tea and Biscuits
i love your list!
I love that dual belt! SO cute!
Brooke, www.snowingLove-bd.blogspot.com
bracelets look so unusually and stylishly
private detectives Toronto
those nails are AMAZING!! yep, she's pretty cool and I'm digging that Into the Gloss as well - thanks for the link! xoxo
I love the jewelry, so tough.
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