This week in non-spending felt long.
Not epic, but longer than seven days for sure. It was probably due to the temptation. See there was a ring; yes it was the ring that made it feel long. Never fear, I didn’t actually buy the ring, but I came awfully close.

The ring in question was the gold Alexis Bittar number above that showed up over on Gilt (seriously I need to just set up a rule so those Gilt e-mails don’t even go to my inbox during the hiatus), and it was “the ring I’ve been looking for forever”… chunky, a little dressy but still tough and kinda funky. In fact, I’ve had a ring like that (maybe not using those exact words, but still) on my “to buy” list for a while, so when I spotted this one, I sort of gasped a little bit.
And it was affordable…in fact (and this is the huge part friends), I have a little credit over on Gilt, so I could’ve bought that perfect ring for less than a latte. With shipping, it would have been about $2.50 (yes, I made it all the way to the checkout before I bailed.)
But I didn’t buy it.
And despite what you might be thinking, it wasn’t because I have super human will-power. No, I didn’t buy it because of you. Specifically because of:
Meg / Ana / Christina / Nicole / Jenny / Michelle / Sherry / Karey / Stephanie / I heart kiwi / Molly / Alexis / Katie / Trish / Shellbell / Liz / Shayna / Kate / Kristie / Elsa May / Rachel / Engracia / Leah / Pam / Megan / Kristin / Allison / Melissa / Leni / Alix / Heather / Modern Eve / Laura / sk / Ashley / Stephanie / Alexis / KJ / Sarah Elizabeth / Jacqueline / Emily / Dana / Jen / Bri / Kristina / Elaina / Alex / Christine / Jocelyn / Gina / missy + ally / adorned unicorn
+ I got an e-mail from Courtney (who isn’t even participating in the hiatus) containing a lovely (and very true) quote to encourage me…how nice is that?
Oh wow! That is some serious willpower. Not sure I could have resisted.
I do find that simply deleting all shopping emails is the only way to go. Otherwise I just get tempted over and over again.
I did pretty amazingly this week! We had a long weekend here, so I went to visit family outside the city, and could hole up far away from temptation. So, my bank account is really doing well... until I heard that this Friday is a sale at my favourite thrift store. This is going to be tough, but I can do it! I know I can!
I did really well as well though I gave myself a free pass (for a day) since I traveled to Key West to be in a friend's wedding. Kino is a tiny family-owned sandal shop that makes everything by hand, has no online retail, and sells each pair for about $12! I bought three pairs since I have been dying for more since my last trip there in 2007.
Question, if I caught my "uniform" cardigan on a chair and ripped it, does a replacement count as essential, or not!?!?
Yikes, I would have definitely bought that, but I guess it would have been cheating even though it was super cheap. I went to Marshall's with my boyfriend the other day, and it was really hard because they have in a lot of cute spring stuff. But I stayed strong and just browsed.
My goodness, you are unwavering. I can't even look at my Gilt emails...
I am sad to say I did stray this week. I purchased a pair of D&G eyeglasses. And though it was a necessity, I feel a little guilty, as they were exactly what I wanted and a little spendy. Time to pick myself up and get back on track.
I've got to admit, this is harder than any diet* I've tried!
*saying "no" to that pain au chocolate in the coffee shop.
I know I shouldn't be telling you this about Gilt but if you wait till an item is sold out and then put your name on the waitlist, they will email you when/if the item is available again (which happens pretty often for Gilt.) Then you can sort of re-evaluate if you really wanted the item in the first place. I've done this twice already and the time period between sales range from 2-5 months.
Damn, you are good. I was so good that first week and then a bad day + the necklace of my dreams + worse day = downfall + another downfall. To repent I'm tagging on an extra week. And not eating chocolate today. Oh and I blame Karey and her damn jumpsuit. romper. playsuit.
I did great!! I didn't even get a mani/pedi, thinking that might be a cheat. My toenails have black UGG fuzz and my heels are a mess...not a pretty sight in yoga class. This is making me realize how much I usually spend..and very carelessly, I might add.
how sweet of courtney.. i needed to see this about 15 minutes ago.
I've had a killer week - lots of eating in, making meals out of what we already have and not going out for coffee and the like. But I just made a minor purchase on eek.. but with 20% off and limiting my retail cravings, I managed to spend $100 (including shipping) on a striped shirt that i will wear til death and two dresses (including one for a 2 year anniversary).. I feel ok about the purchases, but I know I could have done without..
here's to a better week and lots of pb&j sandwiches! -missy
Popped over from heart-of-light (Rachel's sidebar of blog reads) -- (1) I am soo with you on Gilt emails -- I want to keep them from appearing in my box, too. But not enough to actually unsubscribe myself :D (2) I love your header (and your profile pic!) -- did you design the header yourself? It's so lovely!
I had a very successful week and didn't spend a penny on anything that wasn't necessary. When I was shopping with my fiancee he spotted a nice duvet cover that was on sale and suggested we buy it since we kind of need a new one. I had to persuade him that we shouldn't buy it! That has to be a first - usually it's the other way round!
stephanie -- ooh good question. if it's your "uniform" then yes, it's probably an essential...but i'm an enabler ;-)
shayna -- you make me giggle. i think having a scapegoat is good. damn that playsuit!
carabella -- thanks for the kinds words! acutally a friend designed my header out of photos I took.
dammit, shayna! what happened to our little secret?!
i feel horrible. i've bought two magazines. print magazines. one jumpsuit. and i've been compiling a list of things i didn't even know i needed prior to this hiatus.
i think you need to organize a spending spree. then and only then might i stop.
your passive aggressive you're not the boss of me friend, karey m.
also. shayna bought two things this week. and i bet she's eating chocolate. right. now.
spent a bit more money than planned over the long weekend, but really besides a few sweets yesterday [in preparation of giving them up for lent] and a 99c tube of lipstick, i've been doing pretty well in eliminating the frivolous and not so frivolous purchases, and can definitely see a huge difference in my credit card statement for the month :)
so now we leave messages in eachothers' comments? too funny. my carrot crunching is getting messed up from my giggles.
i am not eating chocolate and now i'm banning myself from even thinking about it as pennance for betraying karey's jumpsuit secret.
karey -- i'm still pondering this jumpsuit you purchased...
Well...I'm not on it...even though I should be...but I'm proud you resisted...I do the same...get to checkout and then close the page.
Hmmm,good luck with the rest of the week.
Wow...way to stay strong- that ring is gorgeous! Glad you enjoyed the quote....I usually need some outside wisdom to encourage my "good" thoughts- keeps the negative from creeping in!
Loved the ring when I saw it on gilt too, but I think the quote says it all. I love the design too - so perfect.
I haven't signed up for the hiatus, but the hedgerow duvet over on dwell studio for HALF OFF is killing me. We're supposed to be saving for my internship DC this summer, but HALF OFF!!!
I am super impressed and inspired by your hiatus! Definitely making me consider any purchases a little more carefully, and have to say that I haven't made a single one in Feb!
One teeeeensy little shopping related question, though - what is the fabric above the book in the first photo. It's what I've been searching for for ages. I just want to bookmark it. I swear.
Your are right, that ring is perfection at $2.50 for the spend, I would have given in, I want it now for myself! So far so good, but I am still tempted to buy the dress I tried on a week ago. I just love it so, but is it because og the hiatus that I want it so much? Jury still out on that.
The ring is very cool. I love that designer. I've been tempted by many things on etsy these days. I really want a new gold necklace, but I have resisted the urge to spend. I haven't told my husband yet. I thought he would have noticed by now. Especially because of my recent trip to Target. I bought nothing but food. I'm also painting all of the wood trim in our house. It's keeping me busy. When I have the urge to run to Home Goods, I paint instead. Good Job Girls!
Oh, Joslyn! $2.50?? I would've given you a pass! But bravo, my dear, bravo. You're a better woman than I am.
BTW, not to be an enabler or anything, but when I do a hiatus I usually give myself an out -- one thing, or category of thing, that I'm allowed to buy. I know for some people it's easier to go cold turkey, but for me, knowing I can buy *something* takes the pressure off. Usually, it's magazines. Relatively cheap, and gives me ideas for what to buy when the hiatus is over!
I'm not sure why I'm not listed on your list- I thought I signed up- anyway, I've been doing this for 6 weeks now and on Monday- I slipped up- majorly. I have been working out instead of shopping and want/needed some workout tops- so I d/w Hubs and went to Lululemon. The clothes were so flattering, I went a little crazy.Umm, maybe I'll give up chocolate for- a week?
Anyway, thanks for everyone being so honest, I thought I was the only one!
Sarah G -- i found the fabric on ebay from here:
lots of lovely pieces.
Adorned unicorn -- you are now officially added...sorry for the oversight ;-)
your willpower astounds me. $2.50... amazing.
i had a friend ask me if shopping with only gift cards still counts... i should point her in your direction!
this week went really well, kiwi and i were in las vegas over the weekend and i didn't so much a put a quarter in a slot machine... and the thing is, we still had an amazing time just enjoying each other's company and seeing the sights.
i caved.
bad day + selling two things on craigs list = purchase of two new pillows for my living area. and i bought the newest Elle Decor. Ugh, I'm not doing so hot. But I did resist purchasing a dress today. I got to check out and then promptly closed the window. I'm going to feed off your strength for this week.
Nice work! Last week was good for me; I even tried to use coupons...without success...for my grocery items. I am for sure becoming more conscious of spending and I think for me that was massively important. Thanks for the update!
Last week was no problem. To busy at work to take the time to shop and then not having electricity all weekend kept me in the house browsing magazines by candle light. Super proud of you for not buying such a beautiful ring for $2.50. That is a deal!
LAME. FAILED. BUMMED. I started mine on the 15th and it has only been 2 days. I resisted Starbucks even though Henry was with Papa and I was right next door at the dry cleaners, I had a diaper/battery only visit to Target... BUT... tonight I went to a trunk show and I bought a dress size 24months {I don't even have a girl}, I even got called out by a friend who reads my blog, even more lameness. I am so bummed I am thinking I can get a do-over. {wink}
i swear i'm wearing that exact ring as i type in silver! what can i say, great minds think alike. hope you're having a great week my dear!
xo urban flea
Thanks Joslyn!
joslyn, you are so inspiring/guilt-inducing...for some reason, this time around, the spending hiatus is a lot more difficult for me.
i have to confess last week i bought a pair of jeggings (you know, those crazy jean looking leggings)...i'm kinda embarrassed to admit that was my purchase, but it's the truth.
and this week...i have been convinced that i NEED new underwear. it's simply not true...i just need to do laundry...
aughh...this is SO good for me!
Wow, great willpower and very inspiring
This post is exactly why I'm doing this 'challenge'; it's not about the money, it's about limiting my consumption.
Such Willpower! And I love the quote . . .
are you crazy?!! buy it. for $2.50 who cares. in the long run you will be much happier that you have the ring.
yet again...i am so proud of you. i like to think i could not join you this time around because i need to stock up on acceptable maternity wear...when actually, i think i maybe just too darn weak! my little hero! that's you! xo t
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