When I met Danni at
Alt last month, my first thought was that she was the complete embodiment of
her blog -- lovely, creative, incredibly nice...
In fact, I might go as far as to say, she sort of
looked like her blog...(the outfit she was wearing when we first met perfectly matched her blog banner, it was really quite fantastic.)
Not only has Danni kindly agreed to share her favorite things with us this week, but she's also offering up a
$30 gift certificate to her
immensely lovely shop, which would more than cover one of the
perfect little necklaces below (I should note that I'm coveting that peacock one in an altogether unnatural way...)

Just leave a comment on this post by midnight CT on Tuesday, February 23rd for a chance to win, and I'll announce the lucky reader on Wednesday!
So without further ado, Herewith Danni's favorites, enjoy and have a lovely weekend!
hi friends! it was so fun searching around, finding images of some of my favorites to share with you. i have certain things that are definitely favorites of mine. thanks joslyn for letting me share on your lovely blog this week! here is a list of my top 10 favorites:
my fiance - he's without a doubt my number one favorite. he's my best friend. (image by
oh, hello friend.)
flea markets - i may have a teeny tiny problem: i am a hoarder! somehow i always find myself at a flea market, swap meet, or a thrift store. whenever i walk into a thrift store, i get such an excited feeling about the treasures
i'll discover. i told my fiancee that one time and he thought i was so silly. (image by
traveling - if i had all the money in the world, i would travel. i would take my man and go around the world.. starting with the places we most want to go. (first on our list:
egypt, and
italy) (image by
christian cruz)
skeleton keys - maybe i watched
cinderella one too many times when i was a kid but the scene where the evil stepmother locks
cinderella in her room when the prince comes: i LOVE the key!!!! and just the whole locking a door with an old skeleton key is one of my absolute favorites. when i went to
denmark a few years ago, one of the houses we visited had an old lock in the door and i remember just sitting there for 20 minutes locking and unlocking the door ;) (image by
jane austen - what can i say,
i'm a romantic at heart. i love this era. i love the fashion. i love the customs and the simple times. i love the characters of
jane austen's stories. this image doesn't exactly say
jane but it reminds me of a beautiful scene from one of her books. (image by
packages - i love a pretty package all wrapped up with lots of thought and care and loveliness.(image by
oh, hello friend.)
rain - crazy. that is the usual response i get when i tell people i love the rain. it isn't depressing, i LOVE it! i could just sit and watch it rain all day long. i would LOVE for it to rain on my wedding day! (love this wedding shot) (image by
braedon photography)
anthropologie - before i go traveling with all the money in the world, i would stop at
anthropologie and purchase.. everything! i love everything about this store from the goods they carry down to the design of the clothing tags. (image by
pms 124 - i love this shade, and really any shade of goldenrod yellow. i definitely plan to use this color in my wedding ;) (image by
collecting - going back to number 2 and my issue with hoarding things, a better way to put it is that i 'collect' things! i love collecting treasures and special finds that i come across at thrift stores. lately
i've been collecting clocks, old books, and pretty plates! (image by
oh, hello friend.)
Oh what a lovely new find. Thank you so much for sharing. That peacock necklace is gorgeous!!
I love that necklace... and that shade of yellow is my favorite.
danni's necklaces would definitely be on "my favorite things" list.
how lovely!! i just adore her blog, and have to agree that the rain is more beautiful than it is depressing :) love that yellow too!
I am in love with those necklaces!
I love the rain and goldenrod yellow too :)
she does seem like such a doll. Great list too.
oh this is happy!
♥ those necklaces!
I love Danni's blog and i participated in her Lovely Package Exchange. She seems a very generous person. I just read on her blog that her fiance has lost his job. I hope people support her by purchasing those goodies they have been thinking about from Danni's etsy store!
I simply adore Oh, Hello Friend. Her blog is a breath of fresh air, reminiscent of the first sunny days of spring, and I'm so glad to see it featured on Simple Lovely! <3
stephanie.i.kuo [at] gmail.com
i love rain as well :) and I'm pretty crazy about skeleton keys as well!
I love Oh, Hello Friend and also get goosebumps walking into a thrift store at the thought of what might await me. And that shade of yellow is just glorious.
i love so many of the same things that danni loves! from thrift shopping, to traveling, to anthropologie, to goldenrod yellow! i am superbly in love with yellow this year!!! it makes me soo happy when i see anything with yellow! i would really love a chance at this giveaway, danni has some adorable little things in her shop that i have been eyeing!
I love all the things you love (except your fiance lol).
You have such amazing shop! those necklaces are just stunning! ♥
Love them all...
Happy weekend.
love her blog and shop - already a follower! =)
Oooh, thanks for introducing me to a new blog to love! :) I am simpatico with almost all of your favorites (substitute my husband for your boyfriend and yellow for greay and I could have written this list!).
I am in love with amour! I would love a chance to win. Thanks...I mean, Merci!
that peacock is definitely going on my favorites list.
Beautiful things
What a lovely shop AND person! All the necklaces are stunning, but I think my favorites are the key, the peacock, and the hot air balloon. Thanks Joslyn!
Love the necklaces and the favorites! They are some of my favorites too!
I love her engagement story on her blog. I must say I am smitten with the let it rain necklace!
She and I share several favorite things. And I really div her jewelry.
I heart rain also. There is something so relaxing about it and makes me want to curl up next to a window with an old fave book. The grey hat with the yellow coat is gorgeous.
Gorgeous list, and beautiful necklaces! Thanks for introducing her to us!
Everything in her shop is beautuful!
beautiful. everything.
So this is what love looks like! Absolutely obsessed with this style... bookmarked her site to share with others! Thanks for introducing me to another great blog <3
Already a follower of Hello, Friend. Love the blog :)
it could be nice to wear necklaces like this ones in this 'wintertime with lot of snow but waiting soon for spring'-situation
Love the skeleton keys, the necklace, the blog...
what a lovely list of favorite things! I like the rain too. everyone in my California hometown thought I was crazy for moving to Oregon. At some point before I left they all said to me, "you know it rains there right? like a lot." California just never had enough "make a cup of tea, sit by the fire in some big socks, and read" sort of days for me.
I adore "AMOUR." :) The "float away" hot air balloon necklace is really special too. I'd love to win.
Danni's stuff is so great.
what a great post, thank you so much, she has an absolute fabulous blog and her shop is stunning thanks!
I'm loving anything goldenrod too! Great favorites list! :)
hope i win.
Oh, I'd love a peacock dangling from my neck. Beautiful!
I like your list of favorites :)
Mine is similar but just a tinge different (but I'm right there on Jane Austen)
i totally agree about the rain. love it!
what a nice list!!
i love the feeling right before it starts to rain really hard. also - the jane austen photo is gorgeous!
Really lovely, all of it. Shop, blog, and favorites. I'm especially in love with the peacock and the tiny harmonica necklace, beautiful.
really beautiful...
Ohh, love all of Danni's pretty things! Please enter me. :)
So delightful! I have been enjoying her beautiful blog (and yours0 for a while now, and it is always so soft and pretty!
i love danni's blog! what a fabulous giveaway!
Lovely list! And peacock necklace is beautiful!
Her blog is one of my daily reads. And I'm right there with you on the peacock pendant.
lovely favorites and lovely jewelry.
thanks for introducing me to her blog and shop.
That peacock necklace is perfection!
Such a lovely list of favorites...and j'adore her fiance is wearing a BFF shirt!
The AMOUR necklace - has my name written all over it!
love all the favorites!
and count me in, her shop is lovely!
thrift shopping IS fun!
Beautiful jewelry...and another blog on my list of daily reads! A little less work getting done in my home today due to this post....:)
Kristen M.
She is very sweet and inspiring...
I'm in love with every sigle image and description. I love Danni's blog and her shop. Thanks for inviting one of my favourite bloggers to share.
beautiful favorites. beautiful shop.
oo la la i loveee those necklaces!!
love her blog, and what a nice list!
So I just bought the peacock necklace and feel guilty--like I took it from a friend who was coveting it! Don't count me in the gift cert drawing, but do let me know if you really did want it. I need to go on a spending hiatus myself!
--Kate C. (don't mean to come up as anon, but otherwise I think I am signed in as my husband)
Immensely lovely, indeed! I'm digging this list of favorites.
Happy weekend.
This is a great favorites list! I love skeleton keys, too, and totally remember that part in Cinderella!
danni is a doll. lover her stuff!
love this post.
These necklaces are so perfect--love them and love oh, hello friend!
Love, love , love the peacock!!!
What a breath of fresh air.
Beautiful post.
lovely jewelry!
Her site is full of lovely things. It would be fun to have a little shopping spree there. I hope I win!
flea markets, hold simple treasures yet to be found.
traveling, creates everlasting adventures.
rain, renews.
beautiful things, thanks for sharing!
Lovely list AND a gorgeous store. I really think the hot air balloon is irresistible!
Just discovered your blog and Danni's via CuriousBird. How lovely! I'll definitely be visiting more in the future!
whenever i walk into a thrift store, i get such an excited feeling about the treasures i'll discover. i told my fiancee that one time and he thought i was so silly.
I don't think you're silly! I feel the same way!
And I'm heading to Denmark soon! I shall be on the hunt for old locks with skeleton keys!!
Thanks for sharing!
Danni, your jewelry is beautiful! I hope I win the gift certificate! I am going to browse your etsy shop now...
Thank you!
Great new blog introduction and that peacock necklace is lovely. Thank you!
Oh wow, I love this jewelry! What a delight.
Such a beautiful shop! I'm glad to discover it.
O yellow.I love the peacock.
I love the owl pendant!!
oh- pick me please! i love the french necklace with the eiffel tower. i'll have to let my husband know that's how he feels about me! :)
That's great! Would love to win.
Oh those are all great. Hope I win.
the necklace is beautiful!
so unique and beautiful! i thove those neckalaces!
beautiful! yes please
The necklaces are beautiful! And I always love reading what others' favorites are, as it gives me new things to discover.
everything is oh so lovely. I love the sound of rain, esp on a tin roof.
such a beautiful list and yes romantic but that is what so perfect about it! i am drooling over the peacock necklace- one of the best books i have ever read was "under the peacock fan"!
Hi there. I LOVE the owl pendant and the Summer in Rain pendant. Gorgeous!!!
i love that shade of yellow too and the peacock necklace. must be destiny ;)
Thank you so much for sharing! I'm now a follower of both your blogs :)
Thanks for sharing. The peacock necklace is beautiful.
Peacock (feathers) were the theme from my wedding...so I have a strong affinity towards them. Gorgeous stuff!
just had so much fun 'window shopping' at Danni's shop. Such a wonderful assortment of lovelies... this could definitely pacify my spending hiatus {wink}.
Such a lovely list of favorites - and a great shop too!
I really like the stuff in your post and it was interesting to read, so kudos. I went over to Oh,hello friend's shop and there is a beautiful hot air balloon pendant that I fell in love with. Thank's for the giveaway :)
her goodies are so lovely! love that amour necklace!
It rained a fine misty rain on my wedding day and I didn't mind at all!
Love yellow and that peacock necklace, too!
Wow, I love that peacock necklace and the pocket watch necklace! And those sweet hair pins....
oH I Just love that amour necklace. And I have the same fasination with skeleton keys. So beautiful!
That peacock necklace is fabulous!
Beautiful post! And that peacock necklace is amazing!
oooooooooo! I've been looking for unique bridal jewelry and I think her pieces would be a GREAT addition to my wedding day ensemble :-)
*fingers crossed*
dani's blog is one of my favorites for sure! i'd love to own a peice of her collection. this umbrella is my favorite: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=40491790
i don't love the rain, like dani, but i LOVE umbrellas. strange, huh?
Love her list. I'm also in love with her pretties.
The peacock is unique and beautiful! Love it.
the list is great (esp the flea markets and jane austen!).
love that necklace! great post.
Oh I love skeleton keys and Jane Austen. And I've recently discovered the Jane Austen mystery novels, which sorta combines both elements!! I hope I make it into the draw!
The flea market photo is so colorful, I wish I could just pop myself there!
I am in love with both of those necklaces!!!! Either would be amazing :)
adore the peacock!
That shop is gorgeous! I will definitely spend more than $30 if I win.
fantastic shop! i'm in awe of the peacock necklace. great giveaway!
You just introduced me to a great Etsy shop! I love the hair pins!
yes, please!
I love her stuff so much, especially the pocket watches and necklaces.
Beautiful! Great giveaway :).
I just checked out her shop. You described her and the jewelry wonderfully: "lovely and creative".
Wow, I just found your blog and these photos are so inspiring! The Amour necklace just screams '20s Paris! Thanks for sharing!
I must have the hat the woman in the goldenrod jacket is wearing! Must!
one of MY favorites is danni's blog. thank you for posting this lovely giveaway!
Just got back from a wedding where the skies burst open during the ceremony. Quite an experience! I hope you get your wish.
simple lovely and oh hello friend are among my favorite blogs! i would die for a gift certificate to her shop! :)
I love your list Danni! It is lovely to be engaged to your best friend & I am with you on the flea markets! Oh, and anthropologie too & travel...sigh. All of it! thank you for sharing your list!
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