In coming up with my 2010 resolutions, I went back and took a peek at my 2009 resolutions + all my other various lists of things I wanted to accomplish last year (i.e. my birthday list, the fall list, our "new normal" list.) Just as important as seeing what I accomplished (and what I failed miserably at) was taking note of the things I did that I hadn’t actually planned to do…you know in the spirit of the whole “life is what happens when you’re busy making plans” and all.
While I still haven’t roasted a chicken, regularly committed to yoga or learned to sew, I have pretty much completely eschewed plastic bags and paper towels (which frankly I thought would be the biggest challenge on the list), I’m a total rock star about taking my vitamins and we take the girlies to the Nasher, and the Dallas Museum of Art regularly. Let's call it about a 50% success rate, ok?
And in the “unplanned” column, in 2009 I managed to start a food blog, write my first ever published article and start a little online shop….all totally unplanned and unexpected at the beginning of the year.
So this year I've decided to create "squishy" resolutions, to focus on creating space for more of those unexpected things to just...well... happen. More time for dreaming, for playing, for imagining. To steal from my friend Molly, I'm going to take time for the magic, and to go back to something that continues to be on my mind, to be a more “mellow” parent.
Now here's where I get a bit lazy. Rather than drum up a whole new list solely for the sake of originality, I've decided to modify some of the goals from last year that still feel relevant (many pulled from this list) to become my 2010 resolutions -- my mantra or mission statement if you will.
Here goes...
While I still haven’t roasted a chicken, regularly committed to yoga or learned to sew, I have pretty much completely eschewed plastic bags and paper towels (which frankly I thought would be the biggest challenge on the list), I’m a total rock star about taking my vitamins and we take the girlies to the Nasher, and the Dallas Museum of Art regularly. Let's call it about a 50% success rate, ok?
And in the “unplanned” column, in 2009 I managed to start a food blog, write my first ever published article and start a little online shop….all totally unplanned and unexpected at the beginning of the year.
So this year I've decided to create "squishy" resolutions, to focus on creating space for more of those unexpected things to just...well... happen. More time for dreaming, for playing, for imagining. To steal from my friend Molly, I'm going to take time for the magic, and to go back to something that continues to be on my mind, to be a more “mellow” parent.
Now here's where I get a bit lazy. Rather than drum up a whole new list solely for the sake of originality, I've decided to modify some of the goals from last year that still feel relevant (many pulled from this list) to become my 2010 resolutions -- my mantra or mission statement if you will.
Here goes...
- Buy less stuff and, when I do buy, save up for things I truly love.
- Eat out less and cook more good, local, whole food.
- Say "yes" to more new experiences and "no" to more things I feel like I have to do.
- Support (ideally local) businesses and organizations we believe in (the arts, education, farmer’s markets)
- Spend even more time ingraining in the girlies the value of service, creativity, imagination and kindness, emphasizing how lucky we are and how quickly life can change…
Now if squishy goals aren’t your thing and you want to see 13 more tangible things I’d like to do this year, take a peek at my other list over on Mother Huddle. It includes such aspirations as painting my nails red and buying tennis shoes (because I currently don’t own any.) Pretty exciting stuff!
So what do you have planned for the coming year? Goals….resolutions…Do share, I’d love to hear!
Dear Joslyn, 50% success rate sounds pretty great to me! I like your list, mine would be very similar, I especially like the last one! Happy new year to you! Monika
eco-stylista: sourcebook for eco-concious living
What a great list- good, and much-needed inspiration!
Thanks, Joslyn!
First off, I LOVE Lists too.. I always seem to have several on varied subjects going at any given time! And if you are getting the Heart of what you really want out of a year, then that is what matters.. Not so much the tasks themselves.. That is what I am learning , I still have things I want to accomplish, but I try to not beat myself up for what tasks I have not completed and get more to the guts of it... Though your lists do inspire me to make yet another list.. I am going to be 34 in March, and I think I will make a before I am 35 list too.. So much to do, learn create , it's great isn't it? Thanks for the Inspo
Pretty good list Joslyn. I don't make resolutions as such I find I try to reach for the stars, those ones that are really out of reach. I just do To Do Lists and go through them, tick, tick. Satisfaction.
Having said that, inspired by a post from Stephmodo and the one you mentioned above, I am actively focusing on my parenting of my boys, allow the magic in their lives to be fully nurtured by all that my husband and I do in our lives.
Happy New Year
I love your list Joslyn! Here's mine:
1- Find a new hobby and stick with it.
2- Try two new recipes a month (carry over from 2009).
3- Practice pilates and/or yoga 2-3 times a week.
4- Purchase only clothing I love and continue to build wardrobe with classics. No great fantastic deals that a month later I’m only eh about. (Revised carry over from 2009- I purchased a few classics but my wardrobe is still seriously lacking).
5- Learn how to accessorize.
6- Read at least 8 books (carry over from 2009).
7- Give up soda. I’m not a huge soda fan, but I do enjoy it occasionally. It’s something that’s so bad for you and I think it should be easy.
8- Realize professional passion (carry over from 2009).
9- Finish decorating kitchen (the closest room to being done), make huge dent in living room and finish painting (carry over from 2009).
10- Purchase a Mac laptop with Photoshop and teach myself to use the computer and programs.
11- Save more money for emergencies.
ok, so i just have to ask about the plastic bags... are we talking ziplocks and, if so, i want details and advice on how to rid yourself of these. please?
i bought loads of tupperware and other reusable containers at the beginning of the year. the girles have all reusable containers in their lunch boxes and that pretty much did the trick.
honestly it was easier than i thought...but the trick was not buying them at all.
every once in a while my hubby sneaks a box into the house and when i find them it's wheels off.
it's not a good scene ;-)
I think they are good ideas! For me, I am running another half marathon (doing more exercise). I signed up - it's on the 23rd of May in Edinburgh. I also plan to use the car once less each week i.e. to walk somewhere I may otherwise have taken the car.....I think I'll go with you on the first one - buy fewer things but buy great things.....
This is a really lovely list. ;)
wow... our goals are so similar it is scary... so happy to have found your blog... x pam
I love your list! Lazy?? You?? I, on the other hand, have avoided resolutions and chosen to make committments instead. I just find resolutions rather punative. This year, I'm going to paint and entertain more, as well as get a passport for untold adventures!
I love your list of unplanned accomplishments. Those are the best. Congratulations on "50%". That is quite impressive. Still working on my own list.
What a good list! I love the part about practicing creativity and saving up for really special items.
I love your list and the idea of squishy goals. I don't spend nearly enough time thinking back on unexpected things learned or experienced...
Great list.
As for that Roast chicken, try Jamie Oliver's perfect roast chicken. It.is.perfect!
love the birdy pillow!
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