These boots are not fierce, or killer or insanely cool…
If I saw someone on the street wearing them, I would not ogle or stop them to gush (I do this a lot) and then proceed to covet them the rest of the day. They are not those kind of boots.
But I bought them.
As someone who doesn’t even own a pair of tennis shoes (much to my hubby’s dismay) comfortable shoes are never at the top of my priority list. I like heels, wedges…things that make me feel tall and kinda glam. But my reality and my shoes are not matching up lately. I walk or ride my bike to pick up Audrey from school; we go to fall carnivals and birthday parties and pumpkin festivals.
I need comfortable shoes friends.
And I have to say what the boots lack in “cool” they make up for in being amazingly, ridiculously comfortable and cozy and seemingly indestructible (suede on top with some sort of crazy durable heel and a little tread on the bottom.) I tuck my jeans into them, throw on a t-shirt or a dress (over my jeans of course) and go.
My hubby is proud.
stylishly practical...
those are cute and cool!
I recently started buy flats because lugging a 25 lb kid around was becoming difficult in heels. I still wear the heels but every time I do and end up wobbling around, I get irritated. Also, while yes they are not street ogling worthy, I don't think of them as mom shoes either.
I am thinking that these boots might be for me as well. They *are* cute!
I've had my eye on these... I think I'd probably wear them most days. I love wedge boots.
On the contrary, I think they are amazingly cute + decidedly versatile! Well done, lady.
I might have to nab these babies myself. Thanks for the post!
Not sure if you are endorsing Piper Lime, but on wwww.shoebuy.com they are $30 cheaper. Just say'n. :-)
They are cute.
I changed my "view" to shoes once I married as well.
It needs guts to buy a not that glam shoes =)
I think they're adorable and somewhat practical. After all, they still have a 3 inch heel! I'd still get the "why are you so dressed up" comments if I wore them!
K -- nope not endorsing! When I got them they were running a 30% off sale, so they were cheaper...
good tip on wwww.shoebuy.com for anyone else that might want the mom boots ;-)
These are really cute. Who says comfortable can't be cute in a casual way?
they're FINE {draw out fine for at least four syllables, which is what i tend to do when i must do something like be - gulp - practical.}...
because it's never cool to teeter at the bus stop.
but, man...those boots in the previous previous post's pics? the editor's boots? they looked practical.
hee. xoxo.
For real!?!?!? No sneakers? ;-)
Joslyn, I have boots almost EXACTLY like this - for doing all those "mom things" you described! I wear them often - even in the Ohio snow!
ummm... for you being six years into momhood, i am mightily impressed by the fact that wedge boots qualify as comfort shoes. I am myself feeling a little frump at the moment...
I have had foot problems my entire life. I also love cute shoes. Those two do not go together. But let me tell you something that my podiatrist told me...
Your eyes go bad, you get glasses.
Your teeth go bad, you get dentures.
Your ears go bad, you get a hearing aid.
But if your feet go bad, you are screwed.
So take care of your feet. Buy comfortable shoes. I started doing that two years ago and my whole life changed. Oddly enough, my not so cute but obviously comfortable shoes get much more praise. I've had ladies in Joan & David heels run me down to ask about my sexy clogs.
Here are some other brands to try: Sofft, Clarks, Privo, Cole Haan with Nike Air.
So funny! I bought these a few years ago in brown AND black. They are VERY comfy. I tried to part with them last year thinking that they were uncool but, could not do it.
I wore them yesterday with a dress and got a few "ooh cool boots"
compliments from people that I find very cool! :)
I am a mom of 2. 38. Used to be cool.
I wear my boots like yours all the time...perfect for Tahoe fall (will be busting out the Uggs for winter out of necessity, not fashion). I love those red ballet flats!!
I owned those boots in 1978. For real. I think they're awesome! And I am loving it that you don't own tennis shoes!!!!!
Those boots are totally fierce! I am so envious that you have no sneakers. No need to exercise? Good for you!
Alice -- I didn't say I didn't "need" to exercise ;-)
sometimes it's not about the shoes. it's about how you wear them. i'm sure you wear them well!
These boots are comfortable indeed. I have a pair in black leather. I love them...I wore them all through out my pregnancy and 2 years laters I still wear them very often...so often that I think I need a new pair. I might go for the suede ones.
I found your cute blog for a few months ago- love it.
Oh do I ever feel your pain about caving to practical shoes! I've found that running after my toddler and trudging through playground sand, coupled with frequent London rain, has made my preferred shoes SO impossible. I hate feeling like I'm sliding down the slippery slope to the "mom look." I think these boots are a good compromise, though.
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