What's more fun than having swine flu you ask? Having swine flu while taking care of two kiddos with swine flu... all while your hubby's away on a day-trip for work.
Good times.
Not long after I wrote yesterday's post, I got a call from Audrey's school that she was running a fever and had a
stomach ache. So now she's in the swine flu club too. Suffice to say, there's been lots of movie watching (the
girlies) and oatmeal chocolate chip cookie eating (me)...
I did want to pop in and show you the lovely anniversary gifts from our "festivities" last night (we ended up with burgers from our favorite local joint and then were all in bed by 7:30. I swear I'm going to end up 5lbs heavier after this whole ordeal.)

First up,
the lovely necklace. Proof that sweet hubby reads the blog. It's even cooler in person, as it's really grand, but very light. Can't wait to don it with some real clothes, as I'm not sure I could pull it off with the yoga pants I've been wearing for three days straight.

For B, I found this incredible book at the
Nasher Sculpture Center gift shop -- lots of inspiration for my woodworking love...
Aww you poor things all having swine flu.
Hopefully you and your children will get better soon.
Moving on to nicer things! That necklace is just lovely...I also really did aww when I read that your husband got it you because he reads your blog, so lovely.
Hopefully my OH will do the same with my recent blog post! ha
Nice post.
Fee x
Can we see a close up of your wedding ring? I think this is the first time I've actually seen it close enough in photos and it has definitely struck some interest:)
I love the necklace and can't wait to see it on! I hope you are all better quickly.
funny, I also noticed your rings and looked down at my hand thinking mine look similar.
take care of your girlies, and hope your all feeling better soon.
so sorry to hear about the swine flu!
unrelated : your engagement ring & band are gorgeous from what i can tell in the last photo and look similar to mine. my engagement ring is a family antique with sapphires on the sides.
wow, that necklace is amazing. hope you get to feeling better soon!
that necklace is SO cool!!
urgh swine flu is very nasty...rest well and feel better!
You guys do awesome gifts! Can't wait to see your new table and the necklace (on).
Hope you all get better soon!
That necklace is stunning! My boyfriend read my blog for birthday ideas, and I was so surprised he actually did it! I guess we as bloggers have that advantage:)
Feel better!
so sweet. my parents just celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary. it's wonderful you take the time to make it special!
hope you all get to feeling better! there is nothing worse than being sick... but i do love to catch up on my day time tv when i am home. oprah awaits!
Oh sorry you are sick. I hope it passes quickly.
You did some lovely gifts though to cheer you up!
I just now catching up! Happy anniversary... your husband sounds wonderful! But of course he must feel very lucky himself.
I hope you and the girls feel better soon! Sabrina has a cold and I keep thinking it's swine flu because your could have it with no fever, right? Take care now!
SO sorry! I hope your man gets home soon so he can take care of his girls :) and that all 3 of you get better asap!!!
So funny - my husband and I have our 9th anniversary coming up next week! It's good to have had the wedding in 2000, no? Easy to remember how many years you've been married! :)
Hope you and the girls get over the flu soon - in the meantime, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies sound wonderful..!
Oh, gosh.....I am SO sorry you are all sick. AND your hubby is away? Doesn't it always seem to roll that way? Though you are sick, I am so glad you got your beautiful necklace! That is one gorgeous bauble! Happy wearing, when you are better(or maybe a test run will make your flu slightly less flu-y?) :)
ugh, my heart aches a little for you and your girls. i hope you all feel better soon! <3
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