
Things I Bought Thursdays – A Bit of A Reset

I have to admit (although it pains me a bit to do so); it’s been a bit of an indulgent summer.

There was the art, the shoes and the clutch, the other shoes, oh and those shoes too…the distressed jeans, the beklina dress, the Vena Cava dress, the A.P.C dress + lots of little goodies for the girlies. (Wow it seems like an awful lot of stuff when I list it all together.)

Oh and there’s also been a few (too many) food indulgences – homemade cookies, cake, cobblers... Mexican feasts, and if I’m 100% honest (which I aim to be) quite a bit of wine.

Now the good news is that I don’t have any major buyers (or eaters) remorse… I love, love, everything I’ve purchased over the past couple of months. There was little impulse buying or disposable purchasing, and the girlie’s treats were mostly handmade by people I admire and respect. But I still feel like it’s time to do a little reset, as I know with Audrey’s birthday just a few weeks away, followed by the fall holidays and Christmas, the opportunities to indulge are only going to increase – significantly.

So for the month of August (I officially kicked this off last weekend) I’m doing a mini shopping hiatus/ban, revisiting my thoughts/goals after the first one + I’ll focus doing another purge of our closets and drawers for eBay.

I’m fully channeling Carine Roitfeld’s mantra here friends:

“The less you have, the more you enjoy.”

On the food front I’m also in the thick (day four to be exact) of a 14 day “detox” that lovely cousin Erin and I are doing together. Nothing too crazy or drastic…we’re just avoiding all alcohol, dairy, sugar, caffeine, red meat, processed foods, flour, gluten and soy... Yikes ;-)

Actually it’s been surprisingly easy. We’ve been eating loads of veggies and fruit, raw nuts, organic chicken and oatmeal + lots of decaf iced green tea. Going into it I thought I'd miss chocolate and red wine most of all, but my dreams currently consist of giant cheese platters. Oh cheese...sigh.

So have any of you done a detox? How did it go?

p.s. our date night was v. fun. We saw 500 days of summer, which I liked a lot, and no, I didn't drink any wine...


Jane Flanagan said...

I posted a very similar post this morning. Have been relaxed and letting myself give in. Have enjoyed it. Now, back on the wagon to reset things again.

erin said...

when i first read the description of the detox, it sounded scary...but the list of goodies you have been eating sound pretty wonderful! nuts and veggies and organic chicken, oh my! happy detox!

Amanda Nicole said...

Summer is the simplest time to detox, what with all the lovely fruits and veg to be had. I went on a detox a few years ago and, while it did make me cranky and I went to bed feeling famished for the first few nights, it did make me take note of how much junk I was eating and to pay attention to the healthy stuff. Good luck!

Miss | A said...

no sangria tonight? girl you are good.

Joslyn said...

no sangria...can't fail now ;-)

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

I did a 5-day detox with just liquids (greens juices, etc.), and I never felt so weak. I realized quickly that I need some sort of substance to make it through the day. Your detox sounds great, and once I am finished breastfeeding, I'm ready to try it, but for now, I'm enjoying the ability to eat a few extra calories a day! :)

molly said...

love the mantra! i've found that when i buy only what I love, i never have buyers remorse. i've never been brave enough to try a detox!

Anonymous said...

I have not done a detox. I don't think I have the willpower. And I can't go on a shopping hiatus because I need to start school shopping tomorrow. Kids need sneaks and stuff ;)

Kate Buckley said...

I, too, am thinking "reset" after much indulgence. But I am easing in, having cut out all sugar, gluten and red meat, but not the coffee or dairy. That happens next week. It's winter in Australia, so I am relying heavily on soups - tomato, pumpkin, minestrone. Posted the tomato soup recipe today - very easy and very delicious.

Kate Buckley said...

I, too, am thinking "reset" after much indulgence. But I am easing in, having cut out all sugar, gluten and red meat, but not the coffee or dairy. That happens next week. It's winter in Australia, so I am relying heavily on soups - tomato, pumpkin, minestrone. Posted the tomato soup recipe today - very easy and very delicious.

orange sugar home said...

so funny but I am about to embark on a 21 plus day detox. needed to get my hormones etc back on track. had a hair analysis (weird sounding I know) and there were some toxic metals and other imbalances I HOPE to remedy. It is a good thing to give your body the chance to heal itself. At 38 it's needed.

Anonymous said...

i tried the "goop" cleanse from gwyneth paltrow. my husband and i felt pretty good, although it did get a bit pricey with the ingredients. i have done the master cleanse and that was brutal, but i did feel good. probably not the healthiest way to go but it worked!

Jane said...

i'm not up to the challenge of a full on detox, but i am trying to be mindful of the junk i feel i need to eat. mindfullness in all forms of consumption!

simple-pretty.com (comment id links to my old site)

Sarah said...

I'm in the middle of a purge cycle so your mantra resonates. When my kiddos were very young and time was so limited for shopping I tended to stock pile for 'just in case' or 'I'll use that some day'. Ultimately I overbought and now have too much stuff. I much prefer the less is more approach and am widdling it all down.

As for the detox, I'm intrigued. The husband and I have tossing around a cleanse. Still looking for the right one. Maybe we'll take a page out of your playbook.

MaggieOldmixon said...

that detox sounds a lot like Joshi's Holistic Detox which I am currently on and it feels great. Though I am wondering when my craving for wine is going to go away...

By the way, I stumbled upon your blog via Design Sponge and I LOVE it. It is my newest daily read!

Estelle Hayes said...

No wine on date night would be a tough one but your detox sounds quite refreshing. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

Kristin said...

That is a wonderful mantra to have. I think I will definitely have to remember that when I'm trying to convince myself how much I "need" something.

You should still cut yourself a little slack, though. You said yourself how much you really do love each of the things you've gotten both for yourself and for the girls, and think of all the wonderful times that went along with all the treats and wine. Those are moments that you'll never forget.

Good luck with the hiatus and the detox.

nichole said...

LOL. I just said to Evan last night:

"This indulging needs to STOP." It's all chocolate, pie, cobblers, tarts, crepes all the time in our house, and we need to cool it."

I'm sitting here sipping lemon water and paying for my summer sins. ;P

V said...

I just love this blog. Your posts are just what I'm looking for each day.

Joanna Goddard said...

a detox sounds great -- i would definitely miss wine and cheese, like you say :) i love your blog, you are so refreshing! xoxo joanna