I’m not afraid to admit it (my uniform notwithstanding), I sort of love fashion.
I love the idea that you can create a sort of "character" through your clothes, and I'm endlessly intrigued by what other women chose to wear -- my daily indulgence is peeking in on the street style over on Urban Weeds, the Sartorialist and Garance Dore.
The only magazine I read religiously every month, cover-to-cover is Vogue. (Because it’s a fashion magazine, it often gets pigeonholed as “frivolous”, but the book and movie reviews are excellent, the political, art and food coverage is incredibly strong, and the fashion coverage is well, really intelligent and interesting…which, let’s face it, isn’t usually the case with fashion magazines.)

And (feel free to disagree with me here) I think most people care about fashion more than they're willing to admit...or at least "fashion" in the sense that what they wear represents some aspect of who they are as a person. It's why my husband chooses to wear Converse instead of Nikes or why the girl that knocked on our door last night with the Texas Campaign for the Environment was sporting dreads and Birkenstocks.
So... what do you think your "look" says about you?

I have rediscovered Vogue after some years. After losing my beloved Domino, I opted to receive Vogue. Even though I miss seeing head/shoulder shots of models on the cover (rather than celebrities), I agree with you... it is more than a fashion magazine. The articles put me in-the-know on intelligent and interesting topics, not whether John and Kate are breaking up/getting back together! I've been trying to get through old issues to pass along to friends and it's so hard. I'm really enjoying it.
I completely agree with you. I think of clothing as ways to transform. Certain outfits have a way of changing my attitude and the way I walk. But I actually tend not to read any fashion magazines. I just simply look for things that inspire me, that speak to my soul or subconscious. It's overwhelmingly fun.
My look would say schizophrenia. I'm multiple fashion personalities in one day. I can go from bohemian to rocker to vintage pin up in a single day. I'm not sure what it means that I can't settle for one thing...
I completely lack a fashion personality and it is very aggravating. I am however working on it. Going shopping this weekend. :)
I love clothes. I love fashion. I am unashamed. Except when we just had our house renovated and I begged our wonderful contractors not to judge me by my gross and overconsumptive amounts of clothing. And shoes. And bags.
It's a sickness, like love.
And don't even get me started on my love of fashion magazines which is far, far worse. In middle school, when my friends were into every detail of Duran Duran and MJ, I knew the names on the mastheads at YM and Teen (not Seventeen. My mom wouldn't let me get that until HS.)
I agree 100% that Vogue is an outstanding read and 'wish book'!
My fashion would hopefully define me as easy going, put together, feminine and not very trendy. I tend to gravitate towards black, white, grey and a little bit of lapis lazuli blue because my special man says it makes my eyes dance! Love him so! And honestly, he chooses a lot of my pieces...I'm so lucky!
looooove this post. It's silly, but I have no idea what my fashion (or lack of) says about me? I think right now it would say I am hot...it's 105 here today...all I can bear to wear is a dress and flip-flops...xo t
This is fantastic, and thought provoking, as usual. I also really enjoy fashion. And fashion magazines. And I fear that my image portrays something I don't want to but I'm too lazy to go about fixing it lately.
I am not a vogue reader. but i do dig seeing what other people put together. Gosh, whats my style called...sloppy crazy mom of 3 style. Does Vogue have that style in it? Ha!
I had a friend tell me once that a beloved broken leather watch I always wore was indicative of my fashion personality. I'm still trying to figure that one out, but I tend to think she was right: something to do with tattered, paint-stained artist clothes and a good mix of otherwise.
Love this post! I just found myself thinking along similar lines yesterday when I caught glimpse of myself in a window and realized how preppy I looked wearing (it's winter in Australia) black patent ballet flats (rules like "no patent leather until spring" don's seem to apply here), a trench coat, a Burberry scarf, cashmere sweater, jeans and a white button down. The day before I'd been doing the bohemian thing with a dress over the jeans and a chunky necklace. United States of Tara, anyone?!
I love reading fashion magazines and not always for the pictures LOL! Vogue has wonderful articles about artist and travel. The extreme fashion photos are really an inspiration to convert to street style.
I have never been much for fashion myself, but I do find the concept intriguing. I am a fan of comfort and cheap clothes :]
I spend a ridiculous amount of time pondering what my clothes say about me and what message I'd like to put out there, but I just can't seem to figure it out and it's really, really stressful! I think it's even funnier that even when I feel like sartorially I'm all over the place, people I know will still point out an outfit and say, "That is soo Natalie." So, I guess you subconsciously put yourself out there either way? Haha, thinking about this makes my brain hurt.
it says this girl needs some serious help! a jcrew tshirt and some shorts does not equal fashionista. I try though.
I'm with you. Fashion is a form of art and I appreciate very much its aesthetic. I don't think my personal style would give me away, but I have been a loyal reader of Vogue for ~15 years. Deep in my heart, I'd like to trade in my uniform for whatever is in Giovanna Battaglia's closet.
I think my look says "busy mum who does not have time to iron" unfortunately. Recently I've had a new job where I work with women all day who actually make a pretty big effort with clothes so I have been trying a bit harder. I shall continue to try to overcome my mum boringness.
I am not into fashion magazines but rather into my own comfy style/ing. However, I do have to admit that my outside does not reflect my inside completely... Maybe b/c I worked for too long in corp America?! I noticed that not too long ago actually when I met individuals who seemed to wear on their sleeves who they truly were from the inside & it inspired me! I tend to wear funky accessories but my clothing needs sprucing up! Another reason why I am all over & into sewing right now! :-) Cheers, Julie
i love this post. probably because i love thinking about clothes and style. i also like to consider what our clothes say about us. so anyways... my look probably says i shop at j.crew too much... but really i want it to say she's classic with a touch of boho chicness... ;)
I so agree. I find even those who dont care about fashion make that same effort to appear as if they don't care. that always baffled me.
Another "me too" on the Vogue fan-dom. It was the last magazine to go for me when my second child was born and I realized I would never, ever keep up with my subscriptions. But I often felt like a man talking about Playboy when I would defend it--"It has great articles!" They really do, but no one thinks that's what you pick it up for. But for me, who has never in my adult life been a size that would fit the clothes they show, it was all about the art and culture articles, as well as the beautiful (or if not beautiful, thought-provoking) photography.
Well, this post and the beautiful images are reminding me that I wish my look said a little more about me than lazy and tired mama. I'm working on it...thanks for the inspiration. That jewelry is stunning.
Lately I feel my fashion sense slipping. It's very sad. Working in an office with very fashion-challenged people does not help with my creativity. Any chance I can get to dress up I take it! I'm trying to build that simple, understated, always-in-style wardrobe. Kinda like a Lauren Hutton look. Someday. I just got a subscription to Teen Vogue for my 14 yr old daughter. She's in love with it. Yay!
I love fashion, but when it comes to dressing myself, I'm very much of the less is more school. I don't take very many risks, partly because I want to look back at pictures in 20 years and think I look elegant or casual, rather than like a fashion victim.
I loved the ideas in this post, but to be accurate, Converse are now made by Nike. I think there's also another aspect to how you choose what you wear- if it's purely based on the styling, or if the story behind each article is also important.
huskhull -- totally agree. personal style is mostly about how you wear what you wear,no? ;-)
I am drooling over that chandelier!
Wow, it's just incredible, isn't it?
I just found this! Thanks so much for the post.
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