We’re days away from our trip to Marfa with Miss Aimee and family, and really it's perfect timing, as I’m needing some serious mental rejuvenation right now.
Bryan’s been a smidge worried that there won’t be enough for the kids to do in Marfa…he actually mentioned bringing along the computer last night. I revolted... big time. I’ve had the blahs a bit of late -- nothing major, just a smidge of in-between seasons, constant bad news on NPR, needing to get out of our everyday routine sort of thing. I find the best way to shake off a funk of this sort is to immerse myself in the polar opposite of our day-to-day. So no computers, no blackberry (sorry to my boss if he’s reading this), no constant stream of activities and commerce in our wake…
I’d like to see what comes out of having no "plan" for a few days. I'm especially excited about (in no particular order) exploring, sitting around talking and drinking while Bryan and Matt play guitar, spending time with Buck and Camp, letting Audrey snap photos with my old camera to her heart’s content (she's quite the shutterbug, proof below), reading (I’ve got this book all queued up for the trip), seeing art, staring aimlessly at the sky...
The perfect antidote to the blahs, no?
Bryan’s been a smidge worried that there won’t be enough for the kids to do in Marfa…he actually mentioned bringing along the computer last night. I revolted... big time. I’ve had the blahs a bit of late -- nothing major, just a smidge of in-between seasons, constant bad news on NPR, needing to get out of our everyday routine sort of thing. I find the best way to shake off a funk of this sort is to immerse myself in the polar opposite of our day-to-day. So no computers, no blackberry (sorry to my boss if he’s reading this), no constant stream of activities and commerce in our wake…
I’d like to see what comes out of having no "plan" for a few days. I'm especially excited about (in no particular order) exploring, sitting around talking and drinking while Bryan and Matt play guitar, spending time with Buck and Camp, letting Audrey snap photos with my old camera to her heart’s content (she's quite the shutterbug, proof below), reading (I’ve got this book all queued up for the trip), seeing art, staring aimlessly at the sky...
The perfect antidote to the blahs, no?
Vacations with no real plans are the best, I think. If you have too much lined up, it's more like a chore than a break.
It sounds absolutely perfect. Glorious even. For real. I am planning on taking a week off during the summer months and plan on doing the same thing. I think I may add that book to my 'to read' list. Thanks.
Audrey is just too cute in that green dress! I love that she's a little photographer... so adorable!
Take some dominoes. Everyone likes dominoes. Grown-ups can play, kids can play, and everyone can make domino designs. Sure cure for any lulls.
i've been dying to go to marfa. one of my artists spent last summer there getting inspired. can't wait to hear about it.
Jessica -- great idea. audrey and bryan play dominos all the time lately...and millie loves pretending the dominos are a little cell phone. sad.
oh we are going to have a BLAST girl. I have "Mexican Train"(dominos) packed already---We will all love it. Ohhhh...that book looks good. Hadn't thought of a book...hmmmmm...5 kids. reading(i like your optimistic brain). XOXO!
aimee -- i expect all my reading will be done in the car...it's a looong trip ;-)
Seeing your daughter with a camera in hand just made my "winter blahs" so much better. I would LOVE to see what the world looks like in her eyes from behind a lens.
It all sounds just about perfect! Hope you have a great time ... and your little one ... how darling is she!
Hate to disappoint Bryan...but the boys have already written up rules for the computer usage in Seaside. I think they were feeling a bit neglected by everyone last year! However, that being said they are still bringing their Nintendo 64, and ipods and DS's
Jane -- i'm with the boys. i vote for NO computers at seaside, but that's just me ;-)
THis is great. My three year old loves to run around with my point and shoot and take pictures.
And I'm going to try to take an internet break for the weekend. I don't know if I can do it and I'm a little afraid of what my inbox will look like on Monday, but I need to find some work/life balance.
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