I really liked Gwyneth’s latest Goop focused on mindful parenting… (it's not online yet, but should eventually show up in the ‘Be’ section) especially these words from Camila Batmanghelidjh:
“As a parent contemplates the most important tasks, they need to take on board both the sophistication and the simplicity of being with their child in a thoughtful way. Your children don’t need excessive material goods or constant trips and gifts. The best present you can give them is the availability of your mind…
So learn the art of just thoughtfully being there: noticing them, praising them or maybe doing simple things together. It could be a bedtime story, cooking and washing, or going to the park together. You could read books or newspapers to your child or simply notice what they’re doing. While they’re with you, they could draw, do their homework or just lounge around.”
And this passage from Cynthia Bourgeault:
“For eighteen years my own mother managed, scolded, imposed manners, dragged us kids off to Sunday school, arranged lessons in necessary social graces, chaperoned parties and supervised homework. And yet, for all that gray blur of duty, the one day I truly remember from my childhood was the day she simply gathered up her beloved oil paints and marched us off to a local arboretum. As my brother and I explored the gardens, I watched her a short distance away, poised before her easel, golden sunlight streaming down her face, completely entranced in what she was doing. How I loved her in that moment! And the unspoken lesson on following your bliss has remained with me for nearly six decades.”
It’s amazing that even though I inherently know these things (the importance of being present with the girls and making sure they know what I love, what truly brings me joy), I still get so caught up in the daily tasks of child rearing and managing our home that I forget how essential they are…
What great thoughts. I am always struggling with being present. And I know I always will. What's nice is that we get lovely reminders like this to help us through.
what beautiful thoughts. I'm not a parent, but hope that when/if/fingerscrossed I am one, i remember that time is far more important than Things, and be happy to leave the dishes for a while so that I can chill out with my children and get to know them properly.
Love your blog!
beautiful. thank you!
I also read that today and loved it.
yes, what a great reminder. FYI: have M home with me for a mental health day-just us. Better get off this computer eh?! See ya later.
Oh me too! I read it even though I don't have kids, I am preparing you know.
I read that too, and had the same reaction.
I felt silly that I needed the reminder, but I am glad to have been reminded.
Reminders like that are so important... even if it's not about raising kids, but just remembering to be mindful of each day we're living.
Ah....this is so lovely my dear. I couldn't agree more and thank you for the lovely reminder.
(your little one is so lovely and dear)
A good reminder for all of us busy mama's. Love your blog!
I am not a parent, but this still speaks to me. It wasn't so long ago that my dad was raising me along while working- and I can truly say that it was the quality of his attention that really helped me whether it was always asking about my day or finding stuff to do together. I sometimes wished he paid a little less attention, I'll admit :-P But now I know it helped me form the person I am today and it helped our relationship since we are often like good friends now.
I especially love that second quote. Wow. !
Thx for sharing Joslyn. I may needed reminders like this daily. I had a great weekend with my boys, frankly because I didn't have anything scheduled and took the time to just color with them in coloring books!
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