
The Return of Blogger’s Favorites…

I love putting together the Blogger’s Favorites features for you guys, so I’m jazzed about having a whole new line-up of great lists after a little holiday hiatus.

First up is the lovely and über tasteful Abbey of Abbey Goes Design Scouting… Regular readers of her blog (and if you aren’t, you should be!) will already know that she has an insanely lovely NYC apartment, a super romantic husband (for her 29th birthday, he gifted her with 52 tiny red envelopes with a handwritten love note and a bit of cash in each, just enough to run across the street to the flower stand and make a bouquet, once a week) and a most excellent etsy shop.

Herewith Abbey’s favorites, enjoy…Happy Friday!

  • Amaryllis -- plants never fail to makeme happy.
  • Wolf Kahn 2009 Calendar -- I make a point of buying this calendar every year -- it hangs in our kitchen and it is one of the first things I see every day. Wolf Kahn's ability to render light warms up the darkest days of winter.
  • Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer -- makes me look put together with a minimum of fuss.
  • Gold Binder Clips -- make even a stack of bills look glamorous.
  • PaperMate Flair Felt Tip Pens -- somehow give me amazingly chic handwriting (the fuchsia color is my favorite...
  • Levenger Circa Notebook system -- changed my life. no joke. I use the junior size and have a section for daily to do lists, for ideas for my blog and business, for ideas for projects and even a section for vintage items I want to remember to look for on Ebay. I spend a lot of time on the bus and this notebook-cum-universe-of -my-mind never fails to fill the time.
  • Chowhound city boards -- I love love love ChowHound's city specific discussion boards. Every time I'm taking a trip I read the boards before I leave and come up with a short list of cafes and restaurants that sound like foodie paradise.
    Sometimes it is the best burger stand and other times the best steak dinner, but ChowHound always makes me feel less like an outsider and guarantees some amazing meals, even in places I'm sure there isn't anything but fast food.
  • The Week Magazine -- is a weekly summary of national and international news from a wide variety of newspapers and journals wrapped in a perfectly designed 20 or so pages. And, the recipe of the week is always worth cooking!
  • J Crew Solid Washed Favorite Tank -- I literally have ten of these tanks. The purple color is my favorite (although it is currently sold out). I've found this tank is a perfect pregnancy layer.
  • D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths. This was one of my favorite books as a child and continues to delight me as an adult.


Anonymous said...

so glad to see this back! one of my very favorites...

Rachel said...

Yay for bloggers favorites!I'm going to have to check out that amazing notebook. You know, once I'm allowed to buy things again. Not now.

Amy said...

glad this is back! great idea!

Blair Friedeman said...

Oh, I love this series of yours! I have been only using felt tipped pens latley and not in the most typical colors-just make writing more fun.

Design Scouting said...

Thanks for including me!

Lynne said...

Oh, I love these. What a great insight. I love Abbey's blog - she always has such great pics. I love Muji's coloured pens, they are one of my pens of choice!

southern daze said...

So happy this feature is back :-)

OfficeSupplyGeek said...

Yup, same here with the Levenger Circa stuff, SUCH a huge help getting organized! I always review their stuff on my blog.

Melissa de la Fuente said...

YAY! I am so glad this feature is back, I love it so!
Wonderful favorites....those gold clips are perfection, and I adore the Week as well. So great to learn more about Abbey. YAY!

Miss | A said...

I still have that same greek myth book from when I was a kid! MOM USED TO TEACH A GREEK MYTH CLASS!So fun- we are so soul sisters!
:) have a great sat!

Callie Grayson said...

I am new to your blog so this is the first time to read this feature! LOVE.
look forward to future posts like this one.
Happy Weekend!

The Bean said...

I too still have my D'Aulaires book from 5th grade. It's covered with clear contact paper, and barely holding together.

Kasey said...

wonderful picks!

Amanda said...

Psh, go ahead and give us stuff to buy when we're on a spending hiatus. Also, my amaryllis doesn't look that pretty. Sad.

paula said...

i love blogger favorites and this one does not disappoint!

Anonymous said...

I love this! & I definitely read that Greek Myths book in elementary. I should brush up.

Joanna Goddard said...

yay! i love these (and abbey)! i want to try out those pens :)

Dora said...

just wonderful, joslyn & abbey - great resources and inspiration. love the levenger notebook - with being on a computer most of the day, i love having a notebook to jot ideas. something about pen on paper!

You Are My Fave said...

Oh, I'm so glad this is back. It's my most favorite.

DCKate said...

Wow, just seeing the cover image of the D'Aulaire's Greek Myths brought back a flood of memories! My friends and I loved that book when I was in grade school! I'm so happy to see it's still in print. I will have to pick up a copy for my future kids :-)

evencleveland said...

I heart Abbey! Great feature.

please sir said...

Love these can't live withouts!

Anonymous said...

Abbey is the bestest---her list is proof that the smallest, simplest things bring the greatest joy! hooray for great office supplies, childhood faves and beautiful flowers :)