I'm loving my super utilitarian baggu bags. but for cruising around town, I'd rather use this canvas tote proudly declaring one of my all time favorite. foods. ever. Eggs...
Say what you will about "green-washing", excessive green marketing and "green fatigue", I'm heartened about what appears to be major progress in my town (despite it not exactly being heralded as a mecca of environmentalism.) Two recent examples: my neighborhood Kroger (definitely not a mecca of green) now gives a five cent credit for every reusable bag you bring in, and on a recent trip to Target, I noticed at least five other shoppers using their own totes.
As for me, I'm happy to report that my endeavor to tote my own bags to the grocery has largely been a success -- I'm still working out a few kinks in my system, as once I unload the groceries, I don't always remember to stash the totes back in the car, but I'm mostly there. Case in point, last night an impromptu trip to the grocery left me stuffing six cans of soup into my purse, as I was determined not to bring home a plastic bag.
Needless to say, the checker looked at me like I was crazy -- which I probably am (just a little bit) but not based on this incident alone...
It's funny, I always feel like I have to apologize when I dump my bags on that little belt. They're floppy, which makes them impossible for the bagger to pack. But, hey, when the number of plastic bags in my kitchen started to resemble a mattress, I knew I had to stop.
Great effort! I love the bag movement myself and have quickly amassed a dozen or more canvas bags-- some really great designs out there.
Speaking of eggs you may like this
thanks cassandra! i totally love that...i think you found my friday morning paper for me!
oooo how exciting :D
Glad to be of assistance.
Have a great day :-)
That always happens to me, too!! Just today at Barnes and Noble I was shoving books into my already over-crowded purse after buying them and every one around me was giving me strange, strange looks. I always feel a little paranoid that people think I'm stealing when I do this. I need to be organized enough to whip out such a cute tote...
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