In our continued quest to make stuff, Audrey and I have been cutting and painting and gluing and drawing like crazy lately... But, we're a smidge desperate for some new ideas. So I was psyched to find these slightly more sophisticated craft projects over on Bloesem Kids, especially the found objects mobile. It's on the list for this weekend.
found via sk*rt
That's a cool mobile. Where was that picture when I was looking for inspiration for the mobile swap I just did? Darn! But as for that, you should totally check out the Mobile Swap group on Flickr if you and Audrey need some more ideas. You can find it at http://www.flickr.com/groups/632453@N23/
awesome. thanks letter9!
we're feeling crafty today over here, too...the girlies just gave all their dolls bobbed haircuts.
barbie never looked better.
ooooh! I have buttons... and sticks... and... stuff...!
Very cool. I just found your blog, via Uncle Beefy. Adding it to my favourites...
I just stumbled on your blog. LOVE IT! Very creative,and a blast to look at :)adding to favorites too!
Have fun creating!
Oh, I love this. Who would have thought, buttons? It's perfect. My son just asked me last night if we could make a death star surrounded by x-wing fighters to hang from his ceiling, so that's going to be our project this weekend. a little less organic than this! :)
Oh, wonderful! I can't wait to see what the two of you whip up.
This is fantastic. Good luck on yours.
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