I've mentioned my love of pink before (albeit reluctantly), but my post title (lifted from Remodelista) and this adorable interview on Joanna's blog resurfaced my pink-love.
Those that know me are a little surprised by this fondness of mine for the fair hue, as it's somewhat out of sync with my wardrobe, house, etc...(Let's just say I've never met a black shirt that I couldn't work into my wardrobe or a rock that I didn't consider a perfectly acceptable decorative accessory.)
So yes, I'm mostly a neutral gal -- for me, cream is a valid color. But while overall our house has got kind of an earthy, Northern California thing going on, I decided to step out of my comfort zone by not only painting a few accent walls with something other than neutrals but also saturating Audrey's bedroom with full-on powder pink.
And here's the thing...It's without a doubt my favorite room in the house.
I do firmly believe you can "toughen" up pink to great success. Paired with grey, yellow or chocolate brown, it gives off a whole different vibe.
Those that know me are a little surprised by this fondness of mine for the fair hue, as it's somewhat out of sync with my wardrobe, house, etc...(Let's just say I've never met a black shirt that I couldn't work into my wardrobe or a rock that I didn't consider a perfectly acceptable decorative accessory.)
So yes, I'm mostly a neutral gal -- for me, cream is a valid color. But while overall our house has got kind of an earthy, Northern California thing going on, I decided to step out of my comfort zone by not only painting a few accent walls with something other than neutrals but also saturating Audrey's bedroom with full-on powder pink.
And here's the thing...It's without a doubt my favorite room in the house.
I do firmly believe you can "toughen" up pink to great success. Paired with grey, yellow or chocolate brown, it gives off a whole different vibe.
Yes, I love the soft pink hues. I would never think to use it ... until now. It's a sweeter, warmer alternative to white. I want to see how yours turned out!
I totally agree. I resisted, but as soon as i found out I was having a girl, we went full on pink. Pair it with splashes of orange and your all set.
Schoenings -- love your daughter's room...very subtle, very cool!
Ali -- this is probably the best pic of how the pink played out in Audrey's room...honestly i've loved it!
Joslyn...I'm here to tell ya'...I love pink. And I'm a guy. I mean really is there a happier color? (Okay, maybe that could be debated but it IS a happy color.)
I have a personal belief that every home needs a little pink and a little black. You're helping me in my pink defense and I thank you for it :)
excellent uncle beefy! i for firmly believe that all colors belong to both genders.
Wow... I love your home! That cool, casual California Modern vibe shows through and through. And each and every accessory is so thoughtfully played out, yet it doesn't feel over-decorated at all. Bravo! (and for the record, I adore pink!)
I really like pink, too. I love that picture from Lena Corwin's home. Have you ever tried using those pink lightbulbs? I just saw a teeny little blurb about them in Domino, and wonder... I bet they are wonderful...
love the room! it's just the right amount of pink!
love the room! it's just the right amount of pink!
toughen up pink...perfect.
at lillie's sonogram, when they told us she was a girl, the first thing all-black-attired-me said was, "i will never NEVAH dress her in pink!"
now, i love pink. all shades. and i'm getting ready to paint the girlies' room in fuschia. when their dad next travels!
could look at pics of your home all darn day...
pink is so pretty! it's kind of embarrassing to like it, i agree--hmmm, why, though? i guess cause it seems childlike? but i love it, too. that top nursery is so phenomenal!
great post--
xo joanna
Nice thing to know that you've accomplished of stepping out from your comfort zone and paint your room with the color you love the most. I'm sure it's relaxing to be in that room because it's nice to be with the one you really love.
~~ True love of Filipino women ~~
I'm very late to this post and stumbled upon it doing a google search, but love the pink room with splashes of other colors! I've been searching for just the right shade of pink. Which brand paint is this? Color title?
Also, that's a great rug! Where did you get it?
Edited to request email follow-up.
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