So… today is my birthday, and the one thing I really want to do is have a "grown-up" meal with my sweet husband -- one that includes some wine, eating at a normal pace, talking quietly without having to mitigate some sort of buttered noodle disaster...You get the picture.
Audrey is having a slumber party with her grandparents, and lovely cousin Erin is spending the evening with Millie, so Bryan and I are heading to Craft for dinner....
Hope you're doing something fun this weekend!
Happy Birthday Joslyn! Andy and I raise our glasses to you! Cheers and enjoy your grown-up dinner!
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your evening out. :)
happy birthday!
Happy Birthday, may all of your dreams come true.
Happy Birthday (a few days late)! Hope you enjoyed your grown up dinner and that you're still celebrating today.
: )
happy birthday fellow december baby.
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